Luke Brander |
Cathie Kueh |
K.K. Lau |
Martin Wan |
Patsy Wong |
Bryan Wong |
Ma Lee Tak |
Ken So |
Sophia Lau |
Dr. Luke Brander
Adjunct Associate Professor
Centre for Civil Society and Governance
The University of Hong Kong
PhD Environmental Economics, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Fields of interest
Ecosystem Services; Economic Valuation; Value Transfer; Meta-Analysis
Luke Brander has a background in environmental economics. He obtained his Masters degree in Environmental and Resource Economics at University College London (1997-98). From April 2000 to September 2010 he worked as a researcher at the Institute for Environmental Studies (VU University Amsterdam). He obtained his doctoral degree from the VU University Amsterdam in 2011.
Luke is currently working as a freelance environmental economist based in Hong Kong. He is affiliated to the Institute for Environmental Studies (VU University Amsterdam) as an associate researcher and to the Division of Environment, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) as an Adjunct Assistant Professor.
Luke’s main research interests are in the design of economic instruments to control environmental problems and the valuation of natural resources and environmental impacts. He has worked on the valuation of wetlands, forests, grasslands, mangroves and coral reefs through meta-analyses of the ecosystem valuation literature. On-going projects include an assessment of the benefits of expanding networks of marine protected areas for the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), and guidance to the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) on linking ecosystem service maps with economic valuation.
Luke is an experienced teacher of environmental economics. He has given university courses at Masters level, tailored workshops to policy makers and practitioners, and supervises PhD research.