The most accessible rainforest in the world?
Richard T. Corlett
Three cities claim to have the most accessible rainforest
in the world, so I timed the US$1.25 taxi ride from the Parque Natural
Metropolitano to my Panama City hotel very carefully. Eight minutes!
Even a Panamanian taxi driver would find it difficult to reach Bukit
Timah Nature Reserve from downtown Singapore that quickly, leaving only
the Parque Nacional da Tijuca in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, as a possible
rival. If any Porcupine! reader has been there, please let me
City from the Park
Panama City, on the Pacific coast of Panama, has a severe
dry season so the rainforest which occupies 192 hectares of the 265-hectare
park is semi-deciduous, one of the last lowland remnants of this ecosystem
in Panama. Although the forest must have suffered considerable damage
during the city’s long and turbulent history, it still looks and feels
like rainforest, and it still supports tamarin monkeys, sloths, deer,
agoutis and at least 186 bird species (other sources say "more
than 200"). On my two early morning visits, I saw two groups of
tamarins and several agoutis, as well as a great variety of birds. The
gravel paths are reasonably well signposted and a number of trees and
other plants are labeled, which I found very useful. I met nobody in
the entire park on my first visit, except the warden to whom I paid
my US$2 dollar entrance fee, and only two groups of visitors on my second
of the Park
through the forest
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