If you are interested in joining the symposium and/or dinner, please download Registration Form and return the completed registration form to Ms. Peggy Fong, the Symposium Secretary via email (envmalum@hku.hk) or fax (2559 9114) in order to make reservation in advance.  Due to the space limitation, we can only cater for 160 guests for this event.  So, please book now to avoid disappointment.


To CONFIRM the booking, please send your registration fee* using a crossed cheque payable to "The University of Hong Kong" alongside the registration form to the Symposium Secretary on or before October 14, 2010, via the following address:


Ms. Peggy Fong, Symposium Secretary
School of Biological Sciences
Kadoorie Biological Sciences Building
The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam, Hong Kong.

*Registration Fee
Symposium registration fee: $600 (per person) Time: Symposium (0845-1800)
Dinner fee: $700 (per person)

Time: Cocktail Reception (1800-1900)

    Time: Dinner (1900-2230)
Lunch and refreshments are included
10% DISCOUNT would be given to a whole table sale (12 seats per table)