Organized by the MSc Programme in Environmental Management of
The University of Hong Kong

Held on 30 October 2010 (Saturday) at Luk Kwok Hotel,
Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Symposium (Time: 08:45 – 18:00)
Cocktail Reception (Time: 18:00 – 19:00)

Dinner (Time: 19:00 – 22:30)

The Master of Science Programme in Environmental Management was launched at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 1989 when the Government published and enacted the White Paper "Pollution: A Time to Act" to intensify fight against pollution problems in Hong Kong. It was the first inter-faculty, multi-disciplinary taught master programme in HKU to respond to the societal need for environmental professionals. With an integrated approach, the Programme aims to providing relevant and comprehensive training to students in key aspects of environmental management including environmental science, policy and laws, economics, green technology, ecological conservation and sustainable development. Since 1989, more than 600 students have graduated from the programme and many of them are now working in environmental sector to deal with various local and regional environmental management issues. To mark the 20th Anniversary and celebrate the success of our Programme, we are organizing the Symposium on Environmental Management in Pearl River Delta: Review, Challenges and Opportunities and the 20th Anniversary Reunion Dinner on October 30, 2010.

You are cordially invited to attend this memorable event which will be held at Luk Kwok Hotel in Wan Chai, Hong Kong. With prominent scholars and experts from various environmental disciplines, the symposium will provide an overview on pressing environmental management issues in Pearl River Delta and highlight the current environmental challenges and their solutions. The Symposium will also offer a unique opportunity for environmental practitioners to have fruitful discussion and exchange of ideas for better and more effective management strategies in the region.

After the Symposium, we will have a Reunion Dinner which will be an excellent occasion for you to meet with old and new friends including teachers, alumni and current students of the Programme. During the Dinner, there will be an inauguration ceremony for the Environmental Management Association of Hong Kong who is newly established among our alumni and current students. We will also have a prize presentation to honour our Founding Teachers and Distinguish Alumni.