1. |
When will the application materials be ready for the September 2024 intake? |
The application materials for admission in September 2024 will be available from November 2023. Please refer to the taught postgraduate webpage of the Faculty of Science at https://www.scifac.hku.hk/pg/prospective/tpg or contact the Faculty of Science. |
2. |
When is the deadline for submitting my application? |
Application will be considered immediately until all places are filled. We will review the applications regularly and offers will be made from time to time until all places are filled. For non-local students, they are advised to apply as early as possible (no later than April) to ensure completing all entry visa requirements prior to the commencement of the programme in September. It may take about 3 months to process the student visa. |
3. |
What is the basic requirement for admission to MSc in Environmental Management? |
To be eligible for admission to the programme you should have a Bachelor's degree in any field. This can be any field of study. We are keen to facilitate a multi-disciplinary intake of students as this enriches the programme and is consistent with its objectives and character. Working experience is preferable but not essential. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply. |
4. |
I do not have a relevant bachelor degree nor work experience in the environment field, am I fit to apply to this programme? |
We aim to train up managers who have a wider scope of knowledge to tackle with ever changing environmental problems. We do not intend to train up technical experts who could cope with technical environmental issues. We have admitted students from very different backgrounds in the last 20 years. We prefer students who are sincerely interested in the subject matter and want to contribute to protecting the environment. |
5. |
Does the University require applicants to take English Language Tests? |
Applicants with qualifications from a university or comparable institution outside Hong Kong where the language of teaching or examination is not English are required (unless exceptionally exempted) to obtain:
(a) |
a score of 550 or above (paper-based test) or 80 or above (internet-based test) in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL); or |
(b) |
a minimum overall band of 6 with no subtest lower than 5.5 in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS); or |
(c) |
grade C or above in either the Overseas General Certificate of Education, the International General Certificate of Secondary Education, or the Cambridge Test of Proficiency in English Language. |

6. |
What are the documents that I should submit to support my application? |
Applications and payment of application fees (HK$300 per application) should be made online at https://admissions.hku.hk/tpg/home/. Your online application cannot be processed unless you pay your application fee online by credit card (VISA or MASTERCARD only). Once you do the online application, the documents you need to submit to the online system will be listed there. In general, you need to submit:
• |
Officially certified degree certificates and transcript(s) of your graduate and undergraduate studies |
• |
Official score report on an English Language proficiency test (see point 5 above) |
• |
Two referees' reports |
7. |
Are photocopies of certificates and transcripts acceptable to the University? |
Please submit officially certified copies of certificates and complete official transcripts of your undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Documents which are not in English should be accompanied by a formally certified translation in English. |
8. |
What does a "certified true copy" mean? |
It is a copy of a document that has been duly declared as a true copy before a notary public (e.g. Commissioner for Oaths at a District Office, Hong Kong SAR Government), or certified by the appropriate office/department of your institution.
9. |
Can I apply for more than one taught postgraduate programme? |
You can apply for more than one taught postgraduate programme. You should submit an online application (with the required supporting documents be submitted to the University by mail) and pay the application fee online for each application for a taught postgraduate programme. |
10. |
I am not sure now if I will apply for the part-time or full-time mode of this MSc in Environmental Management programme? If I can secure a job in the summer, I may prefer the part-time mode. |
You can apply for both the part-time and full-time mode but you have to make two on-line applications i.e. you need to pay the application fee (see point 9 above) twice. However, you only need to send one set of application documents to the University by stating that you have applied for both modes. If you will be admitted, you will be asked to opt for one mode only. |
11. |
How much is the application fee and how should I pay for it? |
The application fee for each taught postgraduate programme is HK$300 (non-refundable). Payment of application fee should be made online at https://admissions.hku.hk/tpg/home. Payment by cash will NOT be accepted. |
12. |
How do I know whether the University has received my online application? |
You will receive an acknowledgement email if you have submitted your online application successfully. |
13. |
When will the results of applications be announced? |
We conduct rolling admission. Offers as well as conditional offers will be made from time to time until July for non-local applicants and August for local students. If you do not receive an offer from us by late August, you should assume that your application is unsuccessful. |
14. |
What are the differences between the part-time and full-mode of the MSc in Environmental Management Programme? |
The programme structure is basically the same except that the full-time students can take the internship course. The length of the study of full-time students is one year while that of part-time students is two-years. Courses for both full-time and part-time students take places mainly on weekday evenings with a few on Saturdays. A few courses for full-time students are offered during daytime on weekdays. Full time students are expected to spend more time to conduct the dissertation. |
15. |
How can this MSc in Environmental Management Programme assist me in my career development? |
We have over 1300 graduates from this programme so far. Many of them are working in positions requiring knowledge on different environmental subject. This MSc degree is able to help many students to make career advancement. For students wanting to change field and develop their career in the environment field, there are plenty of successful cases. The Environmental Management Association of Hong Kong which is formed in 2010 by graduates from this programme, organize career talks for members and our students regularly. |
16. |
How much is the tuition fee? |
The composition fee for the full-time programme for 2024-25 intake will be HK$200,000# and that for the part-time programme is HK$100,000# per year for two years. The fees shall be payable in two instalments over one year for full-time study or in four instalments over two years for part-time study. Additional expenses for field travel and studies are possible. For occasional students, the tuition fee would HK$3,330# per credit. In addition, students are required to pay Caution Money (HK$350, refundable on graduation subject to no claims being made), Student Activities Fee ($100) and Graduation Fee (HK$350).
# Subject to approval
17. |
Where can I obtain further information about the Programme? |
Visit https://www.scifac.hku.hk/science/prospectives/pg/coursework/envmgt/index.html Or, contact Faculty of Science (Email: science@hku.hk; Tel: 3917 5287) or Dr. Billy Hau, Programme Director (Email: chhau@hku.hk; Tel: 3917 3609). |