ENVM8004 Dissertation titles (2016-2017) |
Count |
Title |
Name |
Dissertation Title |
Primary Supervisor |
Full-time |
1 |
Miss |
BAI Hui |
The palm oil crisis: a market research on palm oil products in Hong Kong |
Dr. C.H. Hau |
2 |
Miss |
BAO Tingting |
A study of sick building syndrome for office workers: exploring feasible solutions to improve the indoor air quality in office buildings in China |
Prof. Y. C. Leung |
3 |
Miss |
CHAN Hoi Lam |
Bear trade in China and public perceptions of bear products in Hong Kong |
Dr. T.C. Bonebrake |
4 |
Ms. |
Urban biodiversity and the Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan of Hong Kong |
Dr. C.H. Hau |
5 |
Miss |
Evaluation of feasibility of Reverse Vending Machines (RVMs) in Hong Kong |
Dr. Luke Brander |
6 |
Miss |
HO Cheuk Wing Serene |
Public's perception and the sustainability of electric vehicles in Hong Kong |
Dr. W. W. Y. Law |
7 |
Mr. |
HUI Chun Wai |
Sustainable local communities and sustainable transport: a case study on two local communities in Hong Kong |
Dr. W. W. Y. Law |
8 |
Miss |
LAI Pui Wing Vera |
Public views towards implementation of mandatory producer responsibility scheme (PRS) on plastic beverage container in Hong Kong |
Dr. K. Y. Chan |
9 |
Miss |
LAM Hoi Ching Charmian |
The effects of urbanization on behavior in birds |
Dr. Caroline Dingle |
10 |
Miss |
LAM Lok Ching |
Comparing of methods of plastic waste management and identifying new technologies applied by reviewing the key legislation in HK and other countries |
Ms. Amanda Whitfort |
11 |
Mr. |
LAU Cheuk On |
Is it a right time for banning microplastic beads in Hong Kong? |
Dr. C.H. Hau |
12 |
Mr. |
LAU Ka Wai |
Public acceptance and sustainable transport: implementing Electronic Road Pricing in Hong Kong |
Dr. Luke Brander |
13 |
Mr. |
LEUNG Wai Lim |
Population status, distribution and habitat requirement of Yellow-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea) in Hong Kong |
Dr. Luke Gibson |
14 |
Miss |
LI Cheuk Wing |
How fishermen and visitors value the marine environment in the Tolo Area of Hong Kong |
Prof. Yvonne Sadovy |
15 |
Mr. |
LI Jiaming |
Evaluating ecological engineering approaches for biodiversity enhancement on coastal structures in intertidal habitats |
Prof. Gray Williams |
16 |
Miss |
LI Ruiyu |
Remediation of soil polluted by electronic waste in Hong Kong |
Dr. K. Shih |
17 |
Mr. |
LUK Ka Wai |
Toxic chemical pollution: Is Hong Kong safe from Bisphenol A? |
Dr. Benoit Thibodeau |
18 |
Miss |
NG Wai Man Victoria |
Promoting eco-friendly exhibitions: a study on stakeholder's perspective in Hong Kong |
Dr. W. W. Y. Law |
19 |
Miss |
QI Mengyuan |
Completely compostable food packaging and catering disposables in Hong Kong |
Dr. C.H. Hau |
20 |
Miss |
QIU Mengzhi |
A review of non-compliances in pollution control in designated projects under the EIA Ordinance in Hong Kong |
Dr. C.H. Hau |
21 |
Ms. |
Hong Kong residents' willingness to pay to reduce air pollution related health impacts |
Dr. Luke Brander |
22 |
Mr. |
TANG Chun Hei |
Reef aquarium keeper’s environmental awareness and attitude towards the trading of coral and reef fish in Hong Kong |
Dr. Patsy Wong |
23 |
Miss |
WANG Jiaming |
A critical evaluation of habitat compensation ratios in Hong Kong EIA system |
Dr. C.H. Hau |
24 |
Mr. |
WANG Yuchen |
The sedimentary environment of phototrophic micro-algae coccolithophores in the deep-sea sediments |
Dr. Yiliang Li |
25 |
Mr. |
WANG Zongheng |
Exploration of the relationship between economic growth and environmental pollution of China - Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis test in China |
Dr. Luke Brander |
26 |
Miss |
WONG Lok Hin |
The effectiveness of Community Green Stations: a case study on the Sha Tin and the Eastern Community Green Stations |
Dr. K. Y. Chan |
27 |
Mr. |
WONG Long Sing |
The potential of algae as biodiesel fuel in Hong Kong |
Prof. Y. C. Leung |
28 |
Mr. |
WONG Tik Man |
A study on general public's attitude, behaviour and knowledge towards festival waste: Implications for waste reduction strategies in Hong Kong |
Dr. K. Y. Chan |
29 |
Miss |
YEUNG Lai Ching |
Public perception of biological sustainability in the live reef food fish trade in Hong Kong |
Prof. Yvonne Sadovy |
30 |
Miss |
YIP Pui Ling |
Assessment and evaluation of urban biodiversity management in different universities in Hong Kong |
Dr. C.H. Hau |
31 |
Ms. |
YU Hei Man Queenie |
Ways of effective communication in environmental plans towards youngsters in Hong Kong |
Dr. Alex Lo |
32 |
Miss |
ZHAO Wanying |
Assessment of China’s progress towards Aichi Biodiversity Target 6 |
Dr. Luke Brander |
33 |
Miss |
ZHAO Ziang |
Potential use of marine bivalves as coastal ecosystem restoration tools under different salinity regimes |
Prof. K.M.Y. Leung |
34 |
Mr. |
ZHI Yile |
Assessments for Eco-Campus based on BAF - a case study on HKU |
Dr. Jinbao Li |
35 |
Miss |
ZHU Xiaoyi |
A critical evaluation on the impact to urban thermal environment by application of vertical greening to high-rise buildings in high-density cities |
Prof. Minjung Maing |
36 |
Mr. |
ZHUANG Haobin |
Salinity Gradient Energy captured from membrane technology |
Dr. Chuyang Tang |
Part-time |
37 |
Mr. |
CHAN Kam Kong |
Environmental education in Hong Kong primary schools |
Dr. K. Y. Chan |
38 |
Miss |
CHAN Kit Wa |
Public acceptance of integrated waste management facilities: a Hong Kong case study |
Dr. K. Y. Chan |
39 |
Mr. |
CHENG Tsz Yin |
The implementation of an educational programme on recycling in kindergartens |
Dr. K. Y. Chan |
40 |
Mr. |
CHOI Chun Pang |
Benefits of implementing Green Public Procurement Law/Policy in Hong Kong |
Dr. Margaret Burnett |
41 |
Miss |
CHOI Lok Yin |
Evaluation on the incentives for participating in green building assessment schemes for existing residential buildings in Hong Kong |
Dr. K. Y. Chan |
42 |
Ir |
CHONG Kam Fai |
Are green buildings in Hong Kong energy efficient? A case study of the Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Dr. C.H. Hau |
43 |
Miss |
FUNG Wing Yin |
Wild birds of urban parks in Hong Kong |
Dr. C.H. Hau |
44 |
Ms. |
HO Choi Ting |
In addition to the HKEx new ESG requirements, what are the factors needed to motivate Hong Kong companies towards improved quality reporting? |
Dr. Margaret Burnett |
45 |
Ms. |
IP Kai Ying |
Used-clothing retail as social business: a case study in Hong Kong |
Dr. W. W. Y. Law |
46 |
Mr. |
LAM Chi Nam |
Does urban greening alter the future of compacted city of Hong Kong? A review on ‘Greening Master Plans’ |
Dr. Alex Lo |
47 |
Miss |
LAM Ching |
Carbon footprint of food: a study of sustainable food in Hong Kong |
Dr. K. Y. Chan |
48 |
Mr. |
LAM Yuen Sing |
A review of water quality management system for protection of aquatic life: Hong Kong and international practices |
Prof. K. M. Y. Leung |
49 |
Mr. |
LAU Tsz Ching |
Green procurement for Hong Kong's food industry |
Dr. K. Y. Chan |
50 |
Ms. |
LAW Ho Yi |
A study of environmental awareness on microbeads in Hong Kong |
Dr. K. Y. Chan |
51 |
Miss |
LEE Hoi Yee |
Ecological restoration of rehabilitated quarries in Hong Kong |
Dr. C.H. Hau |
52 |
Miss |
LEUNG Wing Yin |
A critical examination of the air quality problems in Hong Kong |
Dr. C.H. Liu |
53 |
Mr. |
LI Kelvin Chung Yuan |
Citizen science in biodiversity conservation: the case of restoration ecology |
Dr. W. W. Y. Law |
54 |
Miss |
LO Hei Lam |
Carbon tax in Hong Kong - policy compatibility and public's willingness to pay |
Dr. Alex Lo |
55 |
Mr. |
MO Eugene Jonathan |
Consumer preferences on the sustainability attributes of the travel industry |
Dr. Alex Lo |
56 |
Miss |
MOK Oi Him |
The case study for transiting Hong Kong to hydrogen economy |
Dr. Alex Lo |
57 |
Mr. |
NG Chung Hang |
The clinical waste management system in Hong Kong |
Dr. K. Y. Chan |
58 |
Miss |
NG Yuen-wah |
Evaluation of carbon reduction policy on food in Hong Kong |
Dr. Alex Lo |
59 |
Mr. |
PANG Chun Ho |
A study on residential development in Country Parks and the perspectives of young people in Hong Kong |
Dr. Alex Lo |
60 |
Mr. |
SAM Hiu Fai |
Local governance for the environmental quality management: a study on the role of district councillors in Hong Kong |
Dr. W. W. Y. Law |
61 |
Ms. |
SHAM Pui Ying |
Evaluation of Motor Vehicle Idling (Fixed Penalty) Ordinance |
Dr. Alex Lo |
62 |
Miss |
SIU Tin Yan |
Distribution and invasive potential of Bauhinia sp. climber in Hong Kong |
Dr. C.H. Hau |
63 |
Miss |
TAM Pak Wai |
A review of the environmental education programmes and facilities of country park visitor centres in Hong Kong |
Dr. C.H. Hau |
64 |
Mr. |
TSANG Kin Man |
Evaluating the effects of environmental threats and prospective management on coastal zone in Hong Kong |
Dr. Yiliang Li |
65 |
Miss |
WONG Wai Sze |
Towards an sustainable agricultural development in Hong Kong: an investigation on the community support and consumer's behaviour |
Dr. W. W. Y. Law |
66 |
Mr. |
YAN Cheung |
Implementation of the convention on biological diversity (CBD) at the city level: a case study on the Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (BSAP) in Hong Kong |
Dr. W. W. Y. Law |
67 |
Miss |
YEUNG Wan Yee Katie |
Ecological impacts of larvicidal oil on aquatic environment and management on the use of pesticides |
Prof. K. M. Y. Leung |
68 |
Miss |
YIP Yuen Man |
The light pollution in Hong Kong: a case study on the use of external lighting in Tsim Sha Tsui areas |
Dr. K. Y. Chan |
69 |
Miss |
YU Wai Han |
Aseptic carton package recycling: Knowledge and acceptability in Hong Kong |
Dr. K. Y. Chan |
70 |
Mr. |
YUNG Mun Ching |
A study on stonewall tree preservation in Hong Kong |
Dr. Alex Lo |