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Recent Publications

2004 Postgraduates degrees from DEB

Information for Contributors

Recent Publications (pdf)

Books, Monographs etc.

Journal articles, book chapters and other published papers

AFCD (2004) Field Guide to the Freshwater Fishes of Hong Kong. Friends of the Country Parks, Hong Kong.

AFCD (2004) Venturing Wetlands. Friends of the Country Parks, Hong Kong.

AFCD (2005) Exploring Double Haven. Friends of the Country Parks, Hong Kong.

Elvin, M. (2004) The Retreat of the Elephants: an Environmental History of China. Yale University Press, New Haven.

HKBWS (2004) A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Hong Kong. Wan Li Book Co Ltd., Hong Kong.

Lo, P.Y.F. & Hui, W.C. (2004) Hong Kong Butterfly. Friends of the Country Parks, Hong Kong.

Lock, N.Y. (2004) Beauties of Pat Sin. Friends of the Country Parks, Hong Kong.

Ngar, Y.N., Wong, S.K., Lee, C.F., Li, F.L., & Chung, W.S. (2004) Tree Lover's Companion. Friends of the Country Parks, Hong Kong.

Primack, R.B. & Corlett, R.T. (2005) Tropical Rainforests: An Ecological and Biogeographical Comparison. Blackwell Science, Oxford.

Stokes, E. (2004) Venturing Sai Kung East. Friends of the Country Parks, Hong Kong.

Yip, J.K.L., Ngar, Y.N., Yip, J.Y., Liu, E.K.Y., & Lai, P.C.C. (2004) Venturing Fung Shui Woods. Friends of the Country Parks, Hong Kong.

Journal articles, book chapters and other published papers

Ades, G. & Crow, P. (2002). The Asian turtle rescue operation: temporary holding and placement at Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Gardens. Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter 6: 2-7.

Ah, W.L., Guan, W.B., Chen, J.C., & Su, J.L. (2004). A model study of influence of circulation on the pollutant transport in the Zhujiang River Estuary and adjacent coastal waters. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 23: 225-237.

Bahr, A., Wong, H., Yim, W., Huang, G., Luedmann, T., Chan, L., & Ridley Thomas, W. (2004). Stratigraphy of Quaternary inner-shelf sediments in Tai O Bay, Hong Kong, based on ground-truthed seismic profiles. Geo-Marine Letters 25: 20-33.

Bell, D., Roberton, S., & Hunter, P.R. (2004). Animal origins of SARS coronavirus: possible links with the international trade in small carnivores. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 359: 1107-1114.

Blackmore, G. & Wang, W.X. (2004). Relationships between metallothioneins and metal accumulation in the whelk Thais clavigera. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 277: 135-145.

Blackmore, G. & Wang, W.X. (2004). The transfer of cadmium, mercury, methylmercury, and zinc in an intertidal rocky shore food chain. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 307: 91-110.

Bucher, V.V.C., Hyde, K.D., Pointing, S.B., & Reddy, C.A. (2004). Production of wood decay enzymes, loss of mass and lignin solubilization in wood by diverse marine fungi. Fungal Diversity 15: 1-14.

Bucher, V.V.C., Pointing, S.B., Hyde, K.D., & Reddy, C.A. (2004). Production of wood decay enzymes, loss of mass, and lignin solubilization in wood by diverse tropical freshwater fungi. Microbial Ecology 48: 331-337.

Chan, B.K.K. (2004). First record of the parasitic barnacle Sacculina scabra Boschma, 1931 (Crustacea : Cirripedia : Rhizocephala) infecting the shallow water swimming crab Charybdis truncata. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 52: 449-453.

Chan, B.K.K. & Williams, G.A. (2004). Population dynamics of the acorn barnacles, Tetraclita squamosa and Tetraclita japonica (Cirripedia: Balanomorpha), in Hong Kong. Marine Biology 146: 149-160.

Chan, D. & Chan, B. (2004). Effect of epibiosis on the fitness of the sandy shore snail Batillaria zonalis in Hong Kong. Marine Biology.

Chau, K.T., Sze, Y.L., Fung, M.K., Wong, W.Y., Fong, E.L., & Chan, L.C.P. (2004). Landslide hazard analysis for Hong Kong using landslide inventory and GIS. Computers & Geosciences 30: 429-443.

Chen, H., Deng, G., Li, Z., Tian, G., Li, Y., Jiao, P., Zhang, L., Liu, Z., Webster, R.G., & Yu, K. (2004). The evolution of H5N1 influenza viruses in ducks in southern China. PNAS 101: 10452-10457.

Chen, X.Y., Tsang, E.P.K., & Chan, A.L.W. (2003). Heavy metals contents in sediments, mangroves and bivalves from Ting Kok, Hong Kong. China Environmental Science 23: 480-484.

Cheung, K.C., Poon, B.H., Lan, C.Y., & Wong, M.H. (2003). Assessment of metal and nutrient concentrations in river water and sediment collected from the cities in the Pearl River Delta, South China. [Includes Deep Bay, Hong Kong]. Chemosphere 52: 1431-1140.

Cheung, S.C.H. (2004). Keeping the wetland wet: How to integrate natural and cultural heritage preservation (The sustainable development of eco-tourism and cultural tourism in Hong Kong). Museum International 56: 29-37.

Cheung, S.G., Tong, P.Y., Yip, K.M., & Shin, P.K.S. (2004). Chemical cues from predators and damaged conspecifics affect byssus production in the green-lipped mussel Perna viridis. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 37: 127-135.

Cheung, W.W.L., & Sadovy, Y. (2004). Retrospective evaluation of data-limited fisheries: a case from Hong Kong. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 14: 181-206.

Chiu, H.M.C. & Morton, B. (2003). The sediment and hydrographic characteristics of three horseshoe crab nursery beaches in Hong Kong. Journal of Ocean University of Qingdao Oceanic and Coastal Research 2: 35-43.

Chiu, H.M.C. & Morton, B. (2004). The behaviour of juvenile horseshoe crabs, Tachypleus tridentatus (Xiphosura), on a nursery beach at Shui Hau Wan, Hong Kong. Hydrobiologia 523: 29-35.

Collar, N.J. (2004). Pioneers of Asian ornithology: Robert Swinhoe. BirdingASIA 1: 49-53.

Corlett, R.T. (2004). Flower visitors and pollination in the Oriental (Indomalayan) Region. Biological Reviews 79: 497-532.

Corlett, R.T. (2005). Vegetation. In The Physical Geography of Southeast Asia. (ed A. Gupta), pp. 105-119. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Cornish, A.S. & Sadovy, Y. (2004). Diminishing returns: spawning aggregations are at risk in the Indo-Pacific. Asian Diver April/May: 28.

Diao, M., Li, X.Y., Gu, J.D., Shi, H.C., & Xie, Z.M. (2004). Electron microscopic investigation of the bactericidal action of electrochemical disinfection in comparison with chlorination, ozonation and Fenton reaction. Process Biochemistry 39: 1421-1426.

Dobretsov, S., Dahms, H.U., & Qian, P.Y. (2004). Antilarval and antimicrobial activity of waterborne metabolites of the sponge Callyspongia (Euplacella) pulvinata: evidence of allelopathy. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 271: 133-146.

Duzgoren-Aydin, N.S., Li, X.D., & Wong, S.C. (2004). Lead contamination and isotope signatures in the urban environment of Hong Kong. Environment International 30: 209-217.

Ellis, T.M., Bousfield, R.B., Bissett, L.A., Dyrting, K.C., Luk, G.S.M., Tsim, S.T., Sturm-Ramirez, K., Webster, R.G., Guan, Y., & Peiris, J.S.M. (2004). Investigation of outbreaks of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza in waterfowl and wild birds in Hong Kong in late 2002. Avian Pathology 33: 492-505.

Fei, X. (2004). Solving the coastal eutrophication problem by large scale seaweed cultivation. Hydrobiologia 512: 145-151.

Fellowes, J.R. & Chan, B.P.L. (2004). South China's natural ecosystems - what to watch to ensure a functional future? Living Forests 8: 12-19.

Fellowes, J.R., Lau, M., Chan, B., Hau, B.C.H. & Ng, S.C. (2004). Nature reserves in South China: observations on their role and problems in conserving biodiversity. In China�s Protected Areas. (eds. Xie, Y., Wang, S. & Schei, P.), pp. 341-355. Tsinghua University Press, Beijing.

Frisch, J. (2003). A revision of the Scopaeus laevigatus species group, with descriptions of ten new species from the east Palearctic, the Oriental and the Australian regions (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae). [Includes Hong Kong species]. Memoirs of Entomology International 17: 649-725.

Fryar, S.C., Booth, W., Davies, J., Hodgkiss, I.J., & Hyde, K.D. (2004). Distribution of fungi on wood in the Tutong River, Brunei. Fungal Diversity 17: 17-38.

Fryar, S.C. & Hyde, K.D. (2004). New species and genera of ascomycetes from fresh and brackish water in Brunei: Ayria appendiculata and Sungaiicola bactrodesmiella gen. et spp. nov., Fluviatispora boothii, Torrentispora crassiparietis and T-fusiformis spp. nov. Cryptogamie Mycologie 25: 245-260.

Gao, Y., Cai, L.Z., Ma, L., Xu, H.L, Wang, Y.J., & Zan, Q.J. (2004). Vertical distribution of macrobenthos of Futian mangrove mudflat in Shenzhen Bay. Journal of Oceanography in Taiwan Strait. 23: 76-82.

Ge, J., Cai, B., & Lin, P. (2003). Mating system and outcrossing rates of four Bruguiera gymnorrhiza populations of mangrove, China. [Including one in Deep Bay]. Nature and Science 1: 42-48.

Ghimire, S.R. & Hyde, K.D. (2004). Fungal endophytes. In Plant Surface Microbiology. (eds. Varma, A., Abbott, L., Werner, D.& Hampp, R.), pp. 281-292. Springer.

Guo, L.D., Xu, L., Zheng, W.H., & Hyde, K.D. (2004). Genetic variation of Alternaria alternata, an endophytic fungus isolated from Pinus tabulaeformis as determined by random amplified microsatellites (RAMS). Fungal Diversity 16: 53-65.

Harder, T., Dobretsov, S., & Qian, P.Y. (2004). Waterborne polar macromolecules act as algal antifoulants in the seaweed Ulva reticulata. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 274: 133-141.

Harper, E.M. & Morton, B. (2004). Tube construction in the watering pot shell Brechites vaginiferus (Bivalvia; Anomalodesmata; Clavagelloidea). Acta Zoologica 85: 149-161.

Harris, P.G. (2004). 'Getting rich is glorious': environmental values in the People's Republic of China. Environmental Values 13: 145-165.

Hellenthal, R.A. & Price, R.D. (2003). The genus Myrsidea Waterson (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) from bulbuls (Passeriformes: Pycnonotidae), with descriptions of 16 new species. [Includes Hong Kong records]. Zootaxa 354: 1-20.

Hou, X.L. & Li, S.J. (2004). A new species of Polyalthia (Annonaceae) from China. Novon 14: 171-175.

Hsu, B.F.C. (2004). Constitutional protection of a sustainable environment in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Journal of Environmental Law 16: 193-214.

Huang, L.M., Jian, W.J., Song, X.Y., Huang, X.P., Liu, S., Qian, P.Y., Yin, K.D., & Wu, M. (2004). Species diversity and distribution for phytoplankton of the Pearl River estuary during rainy and dry seasons. Marine Pollution Bulletin 49: 588-596.

Huang, X., Li, X., Yue, W., Huang, L., & Li, Y. (2003). Accumulation of heavy metals in the sediments of Shenzhen Bay, South China. Huan Jing Ke Xue 24: 144-149.

Huang, Z.G., Zong, Y.Q., & Zhang, W.Q. (2004). Coastal inundation due to sea level rise in the Pearl River Delta, China. Natural Hazards 33: 247-264.

Hung, C.L.H., So, M.K., Connell, D.W., Fung, C.N., Lam, M.H.W., Nicholson, S., Richardson, B.J., & Lam, P.K.S. (2004). A preliminary risk assessment of trace elements accumulated in fish to the Indo-Pacific Humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) in the Northwestern waters of Hong Kong. Chemosphere 56: 643-651.

Hyland, K. & Tse, P. (2004). "I would like to thank my supervisor". Acknowledgements in graduate dissertations [in Hong Kong]. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 14: 259-275.

Ip, C.C.M., Li, X.D., Zhang, G., Farmer, J.G., Wai, O.W.H., & Li, Y.S. (2004). Over one hundred years of trace metal fluxes in the sediments of the Pearl River Estaury, South China. Environmental Pollution 132: 157-172.

Ip, Y.K., Chew, S.F., & Randall, D.J. (2004). Five tropical air-breathing fishes, six different strategies to defend against ammonia toxicity on land. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 77: 768-782.

Jeewon, R., Liew, E.C.Y., & Hyde, K. (2004). Phylogenetic evaluation of species nomenclature of Pestalotiopsis in relation to host association. Fungal Diversity 17: 39-55.

Jefferson, T.A. & Hung, S.K. (2004). Neophocaena phocaenoides. Mammalian Species 746: 1-12.

Ji, W. & Jiang, X. (2004). Primatology in China. International Journal of Primatology 25: 1077-1092.

Jim, C.Y. (2004). Characteristics of urban park trees in Hong Kong in relation to greenspace planning and development. Acta Horticulturae (Belgium) 643: 123-128.

Jim, C.Y. (2004). Green space preservation and allocation for sustainable greening of compact cities. Cities 21: 311-320.

Jim, C.Y. (2005). Monitoring the performance and decline of heritage trees in urban Hong Kong. Journal of Environmental Management 74: 161-172.

Jim, C.Y. & Chan, M.W.H. (2004). Assessing natural and cultural influence on soil in remnant tropical woodlands [in Hong Kong]. Area 36: 6-18.

Jim, C.Y. & Xu, S.S.W. (2004). Recent nature reserve designation in China [Guangdong]: evaluation of statutory procedures and problems. Geographical Journal 170: 39-50.

Kawakita, A. & Kato, M. (2004). Obligate pollination mutualism in Breynia (Phyllanthaceae): further documentation of pollination mutualism involving Epicephala moths (Gracillariidae) [incl. Breynia fruticosa]. American Journal of Botany 91: 1319-1325.

Kawamura, H. (2004). Dinoflagellate cyst distribution along a shelf to slope transect of an oligotrophic tropical sea (Sunda Shelf, South China Sea). Phycological Research 52: 355-375.

Kodsueb, R., Lumyong, S., Lumyong, P., McKenzie, E.H.C., Ho, W.H., & Hyde, K.D. (2004). Acanthostigma and Tubeufia species, including T-claspisphaeria sp nov., from submerged wood in Hong Kong. Mycologia 96: 667-674.

Kumar, D.S.S., Cheung, H.Y., Lau, C.S., Feng, C., & Hyde, K.D. (2004). In vitro studies of endophytic fungi from Tripterygium wilfordii with anti-proliferative activity on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 94: 295-300.

Kumar, D.S.S. & Hyde, K.D. (2004). Biodiversity and tissue-recurrence of endophytic fungi in Tripterygium wilfordii. Fungal Diversity 17: 69-90.

Lai, Y.C., Pei, K.J.C., & Suen, K.Y. (undated). Using GIS for carnivore distribution mapping in fragmented landscapes [Hong Kong]. GIS Development, on-line.

Lam, K. & Morton, B. (2004). The oysters of Hong Kong (Bivalvia: Ostreidae and Gryphaeidae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 52: 11-28.

Lau, C.P.Y., Ramsden, L. & Saunders, R.M.K. (2005). Hybrid origin of "Bauhinia blakeana" (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae), inferred using morphological, reproductive and molecular data. American Journal of Botany 92:525-533.

Lau, D.C.P. & Leung, K.M.Y. (2004). Feeding physiology of the carnivorous gastropod Thais clavigera (Kuster): do they eat "soup"? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 312: 43-66.

Lau, S.C.K., Tsoi, M.M.Y., Li, X.C., Plakhotnikova, L., Wu, M., Wong, P.K., & Quan, P.Y. (2004). Loktanella hongkongensis sp nov., a novel member of the alpha-Proteobacteria originating from marine biofilms in Hong Kong waters. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 54: 2281-2284.

Lazell, J. (2004). Austro-boreal disjunctions: a remarkable biogeographical pattern illustrated by Nan Ao Island, Guangdong, China. J Biogeography 31: 1261-1265.

Leader, P.J. (2004). Tail pattern of Oriental turtle dove. British Birds 97: 98-100.

Lee, C.N.W. (2004). Distribution of necrophagous copepods in the Cape d'Aguilar Marine Reserve, Hong Kong. Zoological Studies 43: 304-313.

Lee, C.N.W. & Morton, B. (2004). Temporal patterns of change in the necrophagous hyperbenthic zooplankton community of Lobster Bay, Cape d'Aguilar Marine Reserve, Hong Kong. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 84: 531-538.

Lee, T.S.W., Ho, W.H., & Hyde, K.D. (2004). Ultrastructure of the asci and ascospores of Torrentispora fibrosa. Fungal Diversity 16: 87-91.

Lee, W.H. & Liu, E.K.Y. (2004). Age structure of wintering black-faced spoonbills in Hong Kong 1998/99-2003/04. Hong Kong Biodiversity 7: 10-12.

Lee, Y.F. (2003). Environmental consciousness in Hong Kong. Southeast Asian Studies 41: 15-35.

Leung, K.F. (2004). SSSI series: geology sites. Hong Kong Discovery 24: 78-81.

Li, A.M.Y., Yu, P.K.N., Hsieh, D.P.H., Wang, W.X., Wu, R.S.S., & Lam, P.K.S. (2005). Uptake and depuration of paralytic shellfish toxins in the greenlipped mussel, Perna viridis: A dynamic model. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24: 129-135.

Li, H.M., Li, S.Y., & Cai, L.Z. (2003). Relationship between benthic community and environmental factors in Shenzhen bay. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitas Sunyatseni 42: 93-96.

Li, X.Y., Diao, H.F., Fan, F.X.J., Gu, J.D., Ding, F., & Tong, A.S.F. (2004). Electrochemical wastewater disinfection: Identification of its principal germicidal actions. Journal of Environmental Engineering 130: 1217-1221.

Li, Y.S., Chen, X., Wai, O.W.H., & King, B. (2004). Study on the dynamics of algal bloom and its influence factors in Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong. Water Environment Research 76: 2643-2654.

Liu, M. & Sadovy, Y. (2004). Early gonadal development and primary males in the protogynous epinepheline, Cephalopholis boenak. Journal of Fish Biology 65: 987-1002.

Liu, M. & Sadovy, Y. (2004). The influence of social factors on adult sex change and juvenile sexual differentiation in a diandric, protogynous epinepheline, Cephalopholis boenak (Pisces, Serranidae). Journal of Zoology 264: 239-248.

Lui, K.K.Y. & Leung, K.M.Y. (2004). Sand elimination by the Asiatic hard clam Meretrix meretrix (L.): Influences of temperature, salinity and season. Journal of Shellfish Research 23: 421-427.

Luo, J., Yin, J.F., Cai, L., Zhang, K.Q., & Hyde, K.D. (2004). Freshwater fungi in Lake Dianchi, a heavily polluted lake in Yunnan, China. Fungal Diversity 16: 93-112.

Luo, S.J. & others (2004). Phylogeography and genetic ancestry of tigers (Panthera tigris). PLOS Biology 2: 2275-2293.

Luo, X.J., Mai, B.X., Yang, Q.S., Fu, J.M., Sheng, G.Y., & Wang, Z.S. (2004). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and organochlorine pesticides in water columns from the Pearl River and the Macao harbor in the Pearl River Delta in South China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 48: 1102-1115.

Macouin, M., Besse, J., Ader, M., Gilder, S., Yang, Z., Sun, Z., & Agrinier, P. (2004). Combined paleomagnetic and isotopic data from the Doushantuo carbonates, South China: implications for the "snowball Earth" hypothesis [Glacial deposits at equatorial palaeolatitudes - how cool is that?]. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 224: 387-398.

Man, K.W., Zheng, J.S., Leung, A.P.K., Lam, P.K.S., Lam, M.H.W., & Yen, Y.F. (2004). Distribution and behavior of trace metals in the sediment and porewater of a tropical coastal wetland. Science of the Total Environment 327: 295-314.

Mantel, S.K. & Dudgeon, D. (2004). Dietary variation in a predatory shrimp, Macrobrachium hainanense (Palaemonidae), in Hong Kong forest streams. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 160: 305-328.

Mantel, S.M.K., Salas, M., & Dudgeon, D. (2004). Foodweb structure in a tropical Asian forest stream. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23: 728-755.

Martin-Smith, K.M., Lam, T.F.N., & Lee, S.K.H. (2003). Trade in pipehorses Solegnathus sp. for traditional medicine in Hong Kong. Traffic Bulletin 19: 139-148.

Masala, O., O'Brien, P., & Rainbow, P.S. (2004). Analysis of metal-containing granules in the barnacle Tetraclita squamosa. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 98: 1095-1102.

Morton, B. (2004). The triumph of evil - editorial. Marine Pollution Bulletin 49: 1-3.

Morton, B. (2004). The biology and functional morphology of Nipponoclava gigantea: clues to the evolution of tube dwelling in the Penicillidae (Bivalvia : Anomalodesmata : Clavagelloidea). Journal of Zoology 264: 355-369.

Morton, B. & Chan, K. (2004). The population dynamics of Nassarius festivus (Gastropoda: Nassariidae) on three environmentally different beaches in Hong Kong. Journal of Molluscan Studies 70: 329-339.

Moutou, F. (2004). The possible role of Oriental civets in the recent SARS epidemic. Small Carnivore Conservation 31: 10-12.

Murray, R.A., Dronen, N.O., & Blend, C.K. (2004). Endohelminths from the Black Marsh Turtle Siebenrockiella crassicollis, confiscated by international authorities in Hong Kong, People's Republic of China. Comparative Parasitology 71: 255-257.

Nichol, J. & Lee, C.M. (2005). Urban vegetation monitoring in Hong Kong using high resolution multispectral images. International Journal of Remote Sensing 26: 903-918.

Nicholson, S. & Lam, P.K.S. (2005). Pollution monitoring in Southeast Asia using biomarkers in the mytilid mussel Perna viridis (Mytilidae : Bivalvia). Environment International 31: 121-132.

Pang, K.L., Jones, E.B.G., & Vrijmoed, L.L.P. (2004). Two new marine fungi from China and Singapore, with the description of a new genus, Sablecola (Halosphaeriales, Ascomycota). Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 485-490.

Pathak, R.K., Louie, P.K.K., & Chan, C.K. (2004). Characteristics of aerosol acidity in Hong Kong. Atmospheric Environment 38: 2965-2974.

Paulus, B., Gadek, P., & Hyde, K. (2004). Phylogenetic and morphological assessment of five new species of Thozetella from an Australian rainforest. Mycologia 96: 1074-1087.

Peart, M.R. & Guan, D.S. (2004). Observations on carbon and nitrogen content of suspended matter in a headwater stream in Hong Kong. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China 16: 533-538.

Peng, S.H., Wang, W.X., Li, X.D., & Yen, Y.F. (2004). Metal partitioning in river sediments measured by sequential extraction and biomimetic approaches. Chemosphere 57: 839-851.

Photita, W., Lumyong, S., Lumyong, P., McKenzie, E.H.C., & Hyde, K.D. (2004). Are some endophytes of Musa acuminata latent pathogens? Fungal Diversity 16: 131-140.

Pinnoi, A., Pinruan, U., Hyde, K.D., McKenzie, E.H.C., & Lumyong, S. (2004). Submersisphaeria palmae sp nov with a key to species, and notes on Helicoubisia. Sydowia 56: 72-78.

Pinruan, U., McKenzie, E.H.C., Jones, E.B.G., & Hyde, K.D. (2004). Two new species of Stachybotrys, and a key to the genus. Fungal Diversity 17: 145-157.

Pinruan, U., Sakayaroj, J., Jones, E.B.G., & Hyde, K.D. (2004). Aquatic fungi from peat swamp palms: Phruensis brunneispora gen. et sp nov and its hyphomycete anamorph. Mycologia 96: 1163-1170.

Pointing, S.B., Pelling, A.L., Smith, G.J.D., Hyde, K.D., & Reddy, C.A. (2005). Screening of basidiomycetes and xylariaceous fungi for lignin peroxidase and laccase gene-specific activity. Mycological Research 109: 115-124.

Poon, L.L.M., Chu, D.K.W., Chan, K.H., Wong, O.K., Ellis, T.M., Leung, Y.H.C., Lau, S.P.K., Woo, P.C.Y., Suen, K.Y., Guan, Y., & Peiris, J.S.M. (2005). Identification of a novel coronavirus in bats. [From a survey of 44 vertebrate species in Hong Kong only Miniopterus species were infected.]. Journal of Virology 79: 2001-2009.

Promputtha, I., Lumyong, S., Lumyong, P., McKenzie, E.H.C., & Hyde, K.D. (2004). A new species of Pseudohalonectria from Thailand. Cryptogamie Mycologie 25: 43-47.

Promputtha, I., Lumyong, S., Lumyong, P., McKenzie, E.H.C., & Hyde, K.D. (2004). Fungal saprobes on dead leaves of Magnolia liliiffera (Magnoliaceae) in Thailand. Cryptogamie Mycologie 25: 315-321.

Randall, D.J., Ip, Y.K., Chew, S.F., & Wilson, J.M. (2004). Air breathing and ammonia excretion in the giant mudskipper, Periophthalmodon schlosseri. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 77: 783-788.

Rueda, L.M., Pecor, J.E., Yuen, M.C., & Lee, M.W. (2004). New record, habitats, and updated checklist of the mosquitoes of Hong Kong. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 20: 204-207.

Sale, P.F., Cowen, R.K., Danilowicz, B.S., Jones, G.P., Kritzer, J.P., Lindeman, K.C., Planes, S., Polunin, N.V.C., Russ, G.R., Sadovy, Y.J., & Steneck, R.S. (2005). Critical science gaps impede use of no-take fishery reserves. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 20: 74-80.

Schimmel, R. (2003). The Megapenthini species of south and south east Asia. Second part. [Three new elaterid beetles described from Hong Kong]. Pollichia Buch 42: 1-261.

Shek, C.T. (2004). Bats of Hong Kong: an introduction of Hong Kong bats, with an illustrative key. Hong Kong Biodiversity 7: 1-9.

Shin, P.K.S. & Ellingsen, K.E. (2004). Spatial patterns of soft-sediment benthic diversity in subtropical Hong Kong waters. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 276: 25-35.

Shin, P.K.S., Huang, Z.G., & Wu, R.S.S. (2004). An updated baseline of subtropical macrobenthic communities in Hong Kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin 49: 128-135.

Shin, P.K.S. & Wu, R.S.S. (2004). Turning the tides - 33 years of Professor Morton. Marine Pollution Bulletin 48: 201-204.

Shin, P.K.S., Yiu, M.W., & Cheung, S.G. (2004). Behavioural adaptations of the Fiddler crabs Uca vocans borealis (Crane) and Uca lactea lactea (De Haan) for coexistence on an intertidal shore. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 37: 147-160.

Shortridge, K.F., Peiris, J.S.M., & Guan, Y. (2003). The next influenza pandemic: lessons from Hong Kong. J Appl Microbiol 94: 70-79.

So, M.L. (2004). The occurrence of extrafloral nectaries in Hong Kong plants. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 45: 237-245.

Stiles, D. & Martin, E. (2003). The trade in African and Asian ivory in East Asia [including Hong Kong]. Pachyderm 35: 82-99.

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