Porcupine! No. 21 August 2000 ISSN 1025-6946
Published by the Department of Ecology & Biodiversity, The University of Hong Kong.
Article submissions: Porcupine! Email address: Website: Guidelines for contributors: Contributions are welcomed. Any original article related to natural history, conservation or ecological research in Hong Kong will be considered for publication. Authors of long articles should send their work as a Word file, either by post (on disk, with hard copy attached) or by email. Original artwork should be sent by post (please indicate if return of material is required). Short articles (less than a hundred words) may be faxed or posted. Colour photographs and hyperlinks for use in the electronic version are particularly welcome. The deadline for the next issue is November 30th, 2000! Articles from Porcupine! may be reprinted without permission. Please acknowledge source and author. P.32 |