Loons and Grebes |
Cormorant and Pelican

Herons, Egrets and Bitterns |

Stork, Ibis and Spoonbills |

Ducks, Geese and Swans |

Eagles, Hawks and Falcons |

Francolins, Quails and Pheasants |

Jacanas, Rails and Coots |

Waders |


Doves and Pigeons

Cuckoos and Coucals

Bee-eaters, Pittas and Trogons

Woodpeckers and Asian Barbets

Rollars and Hoopoe

Parrots and Cockatoos

Owls, Nightjars and Kingfishers

Swifts, Swallows and Martins

Larks, Sparrows, Pipits and Wagtails

Minivets, Cuckoo-shrike and Waxwings

Bulbuls and Leafbirds

Robins and Chats

Forktails and Thrushes

Cisticolas and Prinias

Old world warblers

Flycatchers and Monarchs

Babblers and Nuthatches

Tits, Sunbirds and Flowerpeckers

Shrikes, Orioles and Drongos

Crows, Starlings and Mynas

Finches, Buntings and Munias

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