Room 3N17
The forensic application of scientific techniques to mitigate the impact of wildlife trade on biodiversity.
Room 3S04
Fish molecular responses to environmental stressors and epigenetic transgenerational inheritance mechanisms.
Room 6S07
How does climate change affect communities of organisms, trophic interactions and functional processes?
Room 2S01
Oyster biomineralization mechanisms under environmental stress, particularly, ocean acidification; Biomimetic material design.
Room 3N17
Species adaptation to changing environment; ecology and conservation of endangered wildlife and management of human wildlife interactions.
The systematics, evolutionary history, species diversification, biogeography, species movements-migratory, and niche partitioning of bats (Chiroptera)
Room 5S01
Structure and function of membrane proteins
Integration of cryo-EM with AI.
Room 5N09
Identifying novel regulators and signaling pathways of hepatic lipid metabolism.
Examination of the adaptation mechanisms of various intertidal organisms to environmental change.
Room 4N01
Chromosome Segregation, DNA Damage Repair, Genome Instability, Cell Division
Molecular response in fish to climate change, evolution and adaptation in specific environment.
Room 5N01
Understand the ecological and evolutionary forces that shape genetic variation and differentiation
How the relationship between habitat characteristics and biological traits shape the life of marine animals
Room 4N01
Use of structural biology to investigate initiation and regulation of eukaryotic DNA replication
Room 6N12
Conservation and management of species under climate change; Mapping biome distributions in tropical East Asia
Behavioural and physiological adaptations to environmental variations
Room 6S16
Mapping Hong Kong forest characteristics using LiDAR and butterfly species distribution modelling.
Room 7S04
Microbial Stress Response, Bacterial Biofilm, CRISPR-Cas
Room 5N01
Plant bioenergetics and plant redox biology
Room 5N01
The genetic contribution to the neuronal diversity, the evolutionary development of neurons between different nematode species & MicroRNA's contribution to the neuronal fate.
Understanding the patterns and drivers of spatiotemporal variations in biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.
Room 3N17A
The focus of my research is Hymenoptera biodiversity in Asia and Darwin Wasp taxonomy. Lately, I have focused on elevational gradient patterns in the Eastern Himalaya Region. I am also interested in biodiversity associated with tea and mangroves forests.
Room 3N17
Interests in biodiversity richness, mechanisms of speciation, drivers of invasion and migration across different biological systems and biota.
Room 5N01
Study in revealing the fundamental mechanism of human neurodegenerative diseases by using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as the system.
Room 4S17
Centromeric protein organization and how holocentromeres are defined epigenetically in Caenorhabditis elegans
Room 4S03
Epigenetic impact of endocrine disruptor chemicals, Environmental toxicology, pharmaceutical and personal care products impact on environment
Using genomics to understand evolutionary processes that shape diversity patterns within and between species.
Room 2N08
UAV-based photogrammetry and spectroscopy; ecological restoration; carbon cycle.
Room 4S17
Epigenetic regulation of centromere establishment and maintenance in holocentric Caenorhabditis elegans