HKU marine scientists join hands with local oyster industry to set up first oyster hatchery in Hong Kong 港大創立生蠔孵化場,料年產200萬蠔苗

HKU marine scientists join hands with local oyster industry to set up first oyster hatchery in Hong Kong 港大創立生蠔孵化場,料年產200萬蠔苗

Jun 10th 2022

Oysters have been an important commodity in Hong Kong for more than 700 years. While serving as a tasty and ...

New system to trace endangered fish sold in wet markets 港大研發環境基因鑑別新方法, 在本地魚市場發現多種易危及瀕危物種基因

New system to trace endangered fish sold in wet markets 港大研發環境基因鑑別新方法, 在本地魚市場發現多種易危及瀕危物種基因

May 26th 2022

In a paper recently published in Methods in Ecology and Evolution, researchers in the Conservation Forensics ...

International trade of spiders, scorpions is 80% unregulated – threatening conservation, scientists say  約1200種蛛形類物種在全球被交易 八成不受監管

International trade of spiders, scorpions is 80% unregulated – threatening conservation, scientists say 約1200種蛛形類物種在全球被交易 八成不受監管

May 24th 2022

Spiders, tarantulas and scorpions may be creepy to many, but it turns out there's a gargantuan market for ...

HKU Biologists uncover new mechanism of macrophages promoting peritoneal metastasis of ovarian cancer 卵巢癌轉移機制

HKU Biologists uncover new mechanism of macrophages promoting peritoneal metastasis of ovarian cancer 卵巢癌轉移機制

May 17th 2022

In metastatic ovarian cancer cells, Wnt/β-catenin signalling upregulates the expression of metadherin, which ...

New research in developmental genetics

New research in developmental genetics

May 17th 2022

Dr Chaogu Zheng and his research team show 6 Hox genes are expressed in 32% of all neurons 5 Hox genes ...

Rapid evolution fuels transcriptional plasticity in fish species to cope with ocean acidification

Rapid evolution fuels transcriptional plasticity in fish species to cope with ocean acidification

Mar 04th 2022

A research team led by Dr Celia SCHUNTER at School of Biological Sciences (area of Ecology and Biodiversity) ...

An HKU biologist-led team of international plant scientists reveals how guard cell chloroplasts obtain energy

An HKU biologist-led team of international plant scientists reveals how guard cell chloroplasts obtain energy

Feb 11th 2022

 Whether Guard Cells (GCs) carry out photosynthesis has been debated for decades. Earlier studies ...