Rules and Regulations

-The Central Facilities is supported by School of Biological Sciences for provision of equipment, technical and/or software support in teaching and research.
-Users must keep the premises tidy and take great care when using the equipments.
-Users have to report any abnormality or damage of equipments as soon as possible.
Opening hours
-Office hours with technical staff on request: Monday to Friday 09:00 - 13:00 hrs & 14:00 - 17:45 hrs.
-Office hours without technical staff on request: Monday to Friday 13:00 - 14:00 hrs. & 17:45 - 09:00 hrs. (next morning); Saturday, Sunday, University Holidays & Public Holidays.
-New users are required to be assessed by respective Primary Technician-in-charge of the instrument to ensure the instrument is operated in accordance with our standard operation procedures.
-Once the new users have been assessed as qualified users, he/she will be provided with an account for booking of the concerned instrument via our web booking system.
-No instruments should be left unattended during a confirmed booking.
-Booking of instrument in advance can be made via the web booking system at the following URL
-All qualified users must register before they can use the web booking system.
-Qualified users must provide information of their PI/supervisor during registration.
-Bookings will be counted on PI/supervisor basis
-Advanced booking
a) Analytical instruments: booking can be made in advance via the web booking system up to 1 month in advance; and
b) Plant growth chambers: booking can be made via the web booking system up to 3 months in advance.
-Sample information regarding the nature, expected concentration and amount to be used must be provided with the booking.  No hazardous material is allowed to be analyzed in the Central Facilities.
-Cancellation of bookings must be made via the respective Primary or Secondary Technician-in-charge at least 1 working day in advance of the scheduled booking.
-Qualified users must inform respective Primary or Secondary Technician-in-charge of the instrument during office hours for overrun of experiment beyond the booking time. Overrun will only be allowed if there is no overlapped booking.
- School of Biological Sciences reserves the right to refuse any booking at our discretion.
-If any user does not oblige to the rules set, he/she may be barred from using Central Facilities for up to 3 months.
-Hourly rate charges will apply based on the time reserved and/or time used, whichever is longer.  Please refer to charge rate for equipment (updated in Sept 2022)
-Same hourly rate charges will apply for no-show/ failure to cancel booking/late-arrival.
-Same hourly rate charges will apply for overrun of experiment beyond the booking time. Overrun will only be allowed if there is no overlapped booking.
-Penalty will be incurred for any damage of instruments due to misuse.
-Commercial application will be charged at a higher rate as determined from time to time by the School of Biological Sciences.
Data Storage and Analysis
-Qualified users are responsible for storage and back-up of their own data.
-Please make sure your USB device does not contain computer virus when transferring data from the computers directly connected to the equipments.
-Data files stored in the computers directly connected to the equipment will be removed on regular basis after notifying relevant qualified users.
Security and Safety
-Access to the Central Facilities is controlled by smart card system. Qualified users will be granted with access right after registration.
-The Central Facilities is under 24 hour CCTV camera surveillance.
-Food and drinks are not allowed in the Central Facilities.
-Please follow the guidelines in the supplier's user operation manuals and HKU safety regulations.
-Lab coat must be worn at all time. Appropriate safety measures, if necessary, should be taken accordingly.
-No gloves should come into direct contact with computer accessories and with areas accessible to the other personnel, including door handles.
8. Bad Weather Arrangements
  When Tropical Storm Warning Signal No. 8 (or a higher number) or the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is hoisted, the following arrangements will apply:
  -If either of the warnings is hoisted or in force at or after 7:00 a.m., all morning sessions before 2:00 p.m. will be cancelled automatically.
  -If either of the warnings is hoisted or in force at or after 11:00 a.m., all afternoon sessions after 2:00 p.m. will be cancelled automatically.
  Last update: 12 June, 2023.