The Programme (Click here for Programme Leaflet)
The MSc in Environmental Management was launched in September 1989 as the University of Hong Kong’s first inter-faculty, multi-disciplinary taught masters programme. It remains the only programme of its type in the University. Since 1989 more than 1300 students have graduated from the programme and many now occupy senior positions in the public and private sectors and academia.
The distinctive feature of the programme is its focus on management perspectives surrounding a wide variety of environmental and sustainability issues. The programme provides a basic introduction to many aspects of environmental science and environmental engineering as well as legal and policy-related concerns. It emphasizes the importance of developing an integrated approach to the analysis of environmental and sustainability problems to gain a more effective understanding of their nature and causes, and the remedial options available to tackle them. Although we aim to provide a comprehensive training in the field of environmental management we also offer opportunities for the development of specialist interests and skills through our optional courses and the research dissertation which all students are required to prepare.
The structure and contents of the programme have progressively evolved over time but it retains its focus on Hong Kong and China although broader global issues are also considered in detail.
The programme will involve part-time study for a period of two years or full-time study for one year. Teaching takes place mainly on weekday evenings, but there may be a few sessions on Saturday, as well as small number of field trips. All lectures are given in English. The annual student intake is approximately 50. Students come from a wide range of academic and employment backgrounds and this is another important distinguishing feature of the programme.
All the teachers on the programme have considerable experience in the field of environmental management, both locally and internationally. They come from various departments and academic units across the University including the School of Biological Sciences, Centre for Civil Society and Governance, the Department of Civil Engineering, the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Professional Legal Education. In addition, we have numerous visiting lecturers from other local and international academic institutions, consultancy companies and government departments.