HKU-led research promotes territory-wide extension of plastic bottle deposit scheme with support of over 60 % of the interviewees, suggesting the introduction of HK$1 plastic bottle deposit Relevant News: https://news.rthk.hk/rthk/ch/component/k2/1578333-20210302.htm |
Green Buildings and Energy Management Conference on 8 Apr 2017 |
(click here) |
Photos (click here) |
Speakers' presentation files (click here) |
Closing remarks
(click here) |
The 25th Anniversary of the MSc Programme in Environmental Management Cum The 5th Anniversary of EMAHK on 17 Oct 2015 |
ENVM7014 Environmental Quality Management 2013-2014 - Student individual assignment (Pressing environmental issues in Hong Kong) |
Done by Part-time students
(click here)
Done by Full-time students
(click here) |
Taiwan Study Trip 2013 |
Photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/108792436@N08/sets/ |
Videos: https://www.facebook.com/pages/MSc-Environmental-Management-HKU/416704231690371 |
Seminar on Corporate Environmental Management by John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Ltd on 26 Mar 2011 |
ENVM8004 Dissertation Research Colloquium on 12th March 2011 |
Visit to Ocean Park on 26th February 2011 |
Mai Po Field trip on 15th January 2011 |
Ma On Shan Water Treatment Works Open Day on 4 Dec 2010 |
The 20th Anniversary Celebration for the MSc Programme in Environmental Management on October 30, 2010 |
Visit to SENT Landfill on 9 October 2010 |