FINAL PROGRAMME (updated on 28 October 2010)

The 20th Anniversary of the MSc Programme in Environmental Management
The University of Hong Kong

The Symposium on Environmental Management in Pearl River Delta: Review, Challenges and Opportunities
The 20th Anniversary Reunion Dinner
Date: 30 October 2010 (Saturday)  

Symposium (0845 - 1800)


Cocktail Reception (1800 - 1900)

  Dinner (1900 - 2230)  
Venue: Luk Kwok Hotel,
Address: 72 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong


The Symposium on Environmental Management in PRD



Session 1
Moderator: Dr. Kenneth LEUNG, Associate Professor and
Programme Director of MSc in Environmental Management, HKU

0930-0945   Opening Ceremony for the Symposium
  Welcoming Speech: Prof. David DUDGEON, Associate Dean, Faculty of Science, HKU
  Opening Remarks:         Prof. Peter HILLS, Director, Kadoorie Institute, HKU
0945-1030   Plenary Lecture I:
"Climate Change in Hong Kong: Prediction and Prognosis"
  Speaker: Dr. Boon Ying LEE, JP, Director, Hong Kong Observatory, HK SAR Government
  Download Presentation File: "Climate Change in Hong Kong: Prediction and Prognosis"
1030-1100   "Climate Change: Staying within the Climate Boundary – HK's Role"
  Speaker: Dr. Christine LOH, JP, OBE, CEO of Civic Exchange
  Download Presentation File: "Climate Change: Staying within the Climate Boundary – HK's Role"
Tea and Coffee Break (Photo-Taking Session for All Invited Speakers)

Session 2
Moderator: Dr. Winnie LAW, Teaching Consultant, Kadoorie Institute, HKU

1130-1200   "Corporate Sustainability and Climate Change"
  Speaker: Ms. Teresa AU, Head of Corporate Sustainability Asia Pacific Region, HSBC Limited
  Download Presentation File: "Corporate Sustainability and Climate Change"
1200-1230   "Sustainable Development in Corporations: The Phoney War"
  Speaker: Mr. Robert GIBSON, Former Director of Sustainable Development, John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Ltd.
  Download Presentation File: "Sustainable Development in Corporations: The Phoney War"
1230-1300   "Solid Waste Management in Hong Kong"
  Speaker: Dr. Ellen CHAN, JP, Assistant Director, Environmental Protection Department, HK SAR Government

Session 3
Moderator: Dr. Tong ZHANG, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, HKU

1400-1445   Plenary Lecture II:
"Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Atmosphere of the Pearl River Delta: An Overview"
  Speaker: Dr. Gan ZHANG, Vice President, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1445-1515   "Air Pollution of Hong Kong and the PRD: The State of Science"
  Speaker: Prof. Chak K. CHAN, Acting Head, Division of Environment, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  Download Presentation File: "Air Pollution of Hong Kong and the PRD: The State of Science"
1515-1545   "A Practical Approach to Carbon Management at Hong Kong International Airport: A Case Study"
  Speaker: Mr. Martin PUTNAM, Corporate Environmental Manager, Airport Authority Hong Kong
Tea and Coffee Break

Session 4
Moderator: Dr. David THOMSON, Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences, HKU

1615-1645   "The Great Disconnect in Environmental Management"
  Speaker: Prof. Bill BARRON, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
1645-1715   "A New Direction for the River Health Assessment and Management in PRD: A Pilot Study"
  Speaker: Dr. Wei LIU, Leader, Ecological Research Unit, Pearl River Water Resource Protection and Research Centre
1715-1745   "Climate Change & Biodiversity on the Edge of the Tropics"
  Speaker: Prof. Richard CORLETT, Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore
  Download Presentation File: "Climate Change & Biodiversity on the Edge of the Tropics"
1745-1800   Closing Ceremony for the Symposium
  Closing Remarks: Prof. Xu GENG, Dean, School of Environment and Energy, Shenzhen Graduate School, Peking University

The 20th Anniversary Dinner

Registration and Cocktail Reception (Photo-Taking Session)
Masters of Ceremony: Mr. Freeman CHEUNG (1991 Graduate) & Mr. Shaun MARTIN (2010 Graduate)
1900-1915   Opening Remarks and Welcoming Speech
  Opening Remarks:           Prof. Sun KWOK, Dean, Faculty of Science, HKU
  Welcoming Speech:

Dr. Kenneth LEUNG, Director, MSc ENVM Programme, HKU

1920-1950   A Special Talk: "A Life in Waste but – Not Wasted"

Dr. Albert KOENIG, the University of Hong Kong

  Download Presentation File: "A Life in Waste but – Not Wasted"
Dinner Starts
2000-2030   Inauguration Ceremony for the Environmental Management Association of Hong Kong
Prize Presentation for the Founding Teachers and Outstanding Alumni
Group Photo-Taking Session
Dinner Ends