Distinguished Alumni Award 2010

The University of Hong Kong
Faculty of Science
MSc in Environmental Management

Awardee: Mr. Clement B. S. LAM
Year of Graduation: 2010
Current Position: Director and General Manager, Cold Storage, Swire Pacific Limited
Nominator: Ms. Sui Ying LAU (2010 Graduate)

Mr. Clement Lam graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1984 with a BBA degree. He joined Cathay Pacific Airways as an executive trainee and stayed with the airline for 26 years. Being a leading figure in the airport services company, Mr. Lam accomplished a wide spectrum of initiatives for the company with particular focuses on sustainable development, corporate social responsibility and environmental management. His working stations also covered a diversity of geographical areas including Thailand, Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates and the UK. Among all the achievements at work, Mr. Lam champions and excels in managing change and crises. Recently, he was re-appointed to Swire Pacific and is charged with the challenge of starting up a business in cold chain logistics in China for the Group.

Mr. Lam is curious by nature, and loves asking questions. That is probably why he took the MSc in Environmental Management (ENVM) at the University of Hong Kong to fulfil his inquisitiveness, and has graduated in 2010. Over the past, he served the public through active participation in public forums of the HKSAR Government and acted as an appointed member at the Advisory Council of HK Polytechnic University’s School of Tourism and Hospitality Management. Currently, Mr. Lam leads a private charity to support the Home of Love in Hong Kong. Since early 2010, he has been taking the leadership role and devoting himself to the establishment of the Environmental Management Association of Hong Kong which draws together the ENVM alumni for the development of professionals in the field of environmental management. With the passion of striving sustainable development and balanced economic growth, he is committed to not only upholding good environmental management practices in his company but also in promoting environmental stewardship and awareness to a wider community for the betterment of our environment.

