Freshwater Macroinvertebrates in Hong Kong

Sinictinogomphus clavatus (Golden flangetail)

Habitat: larvae found in still water e.g. ponds and reservoirs

General appearance: body large sized, up to 40mm long; rod-like antennae; elongated labium with 8 - 9 teeth on anterior margin; wing pads parallel reach to abdominal segment V; abdomen tapering to the end with protruding lateral spines on ab. seg. VII & VIII; dorsal spines on abdominal segments II - IX; distinct dark markings present on abdominal segment VII to IX.

Fullview in dorsal view
Fullview in ventral view
Head in ventral view
Labium in ventral view
Labium in ventral view
Throax in ventral view
Abdomen in ventral view
Abdomen in ventral view