Freshwater Macroinvertebrates in Hong Kong

Neohydrocoptus sp.

Family: Noteridae
Subfamily: Noterinae
Tribe: Notomicrini

Habitat: Wetland

General appearance: Small size. Fore tibia do not expand beyond base of tarsi, with a apical spines and weak apical spurs. Hind femur without an isolate group of long setae at the posterior angle. Side margins of metasternal plate with a lateral ridge. Sutural lines between metasternal and hind coxal plates distinct at sides. Hind coxal process with setigerous punctures and sharp apical angles.

Cranium and pronotum (dorsal view)
Head in ventral view
Hind coxal process
Left hind tarsi (ventral view)
Left hind tarsi (ventral view)


Pederzani, F. (1995). Keys to the identification of the genera and subgenera of adult Dytiscidae (sensu lato) of the world (Coleoptera Dytiscidae). Atti dell'Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati, a, 244, 5-83.