Hyde, K.D. and Cannon, P.F. Fungi causing tap spots on palms, UK, IMI, 1999, 114pp.
Journal articles, book chapters and other published papers
Aptroot, A. and Hyde, K.D. Corticolous ascomycetes in Hong Kong. Cryptogamie, Mycologie, 1999, 20: 91-93.
Chan, L. and Corlett, R.T. Biodiversity in the nature reserves of Singapore. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 1999, 49(2): 147-425.
Chelazzi, G., Williams, G.A. and Gray, D.R. Field and laboratory measurement of heart rate in a tropical limpet, Cellana grata. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 1999, 79: 749-751.
Corlett, R.T. The vegetation in the nature reserves of Singapore. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore, 1999, 49:147-159.
Cornish, A.S. and McKellar, D. Fishing with explosives and poisons in Hong Kong, China: history and legislation. Proceedings of the APEC Workshop on the Impacts of Destructive Fishing Practices on the Marine Environment, 16-18 December 1997. Agriculture and Fisheries Department, Hong Kong, 1998, pp. 82-88.
Cribb, P., Luo Y.-b. & Siu, G. Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum var. esquirolei in southern China. The Orchid Review, 1999, 107, no. 1228, pp. 217-219.
Cribb, P., Luo Y.-b., McGough, N. & Siu, L.-p. The distribution, ecology and conservation status of Paphiopedilum micranthum (Orchidaceae) in Southwest China. The Orchid Review, 1999, 107, no.1227, pp. 149-151.
Dudgeon, D. Patterns of variation in secondary production in a tropical stream. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie, 1999, 144: 271-281.
Dudgeon, D. and Lau, M.W.N. Romer's frog reintroduction into a degraded tropical landscape, Hong Kong, P.R. China. Re-introduction News (Newsletter of the Reintroduction Specialist Subgroup of IUCN's Species Survival Commission [SSC]), 1999, 17: 10-11.
Dudgeon, D. The population dynamics of three species of Calamoceratidae (Trichoptera) in a tropical forest stream. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Trichoptera (Eds H. Malicky & P. Chantaramongkol), University of Chiang Mai, Thailand, 1999, 83-91.
Fellowes, J.R. Exotic ants in Asia: is the mainland at risk? The case of Hong Kong. Aliens, (Newsletter of the Invasive Species Specialist Group of IUCN's Species Survival Commission [SSC]), 1999, 9, pp. 5-6.
Fellowes, J.R., Hau, C.H. & Lau, M.W.N. Assessing the regional status of South China fauna and flora. Proceedings of the China Mainland - Hong Kong Symposium on Regional Environmental Impact Assessment, May 1999, Vol. II. 1999, Open University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, pp. 103-110.
Frohlich, J. and Hyde, K.D. Biodiversity of palm fungi in the tropics. Are global fungal diversity estimates realistic? Biodiversity and Conservation, 1999, 8:1-28.
Galsworthy, A.C. Two new species of Sauris (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Larentiinae) from Hong Kong. Trans. Lep. Soc. Japan 1999, 50(1): 35-37.
Galsworthy, AC New and revised eupitheciine species (Geometridae, Larentiinae) from Hong Kong and South East Asia. Trans. Lep. Soc. Japan 1999, 50(3):??
Goh, T.K. and Hyde, K.D. A synopsis of Tichocladium species, based on the literature. Fungal Diversity, 1999, 2: 101-118
Goh, T.K., Hyde, K.D., Ho, W.H. and Yanna A revision of the genus Dictyosporium, with descriptions of three new species. Fungal Diversity, 1999, 2: 65-100. (Publication No. 045836)
Ho, W.H., Hyde, K.D. and Hodgkiss, I.J. Ultrastructure of Annulatascus aquaticus sp. nova., a freshwater ascomycete on submerged wood from Hong Kong. Fungal Diversity, 1999, 2: 119-128.
Hyde, K.D. Taylor, J.E. and Frohlich, J. Two new species of Pseudohalonectria from palms. Mycologia, 1999. 91: 520-524.
Hyde, K.D., Wong, S.W. and Jones, E.B.G. Cataractispora gen. nov. (Ascomycota) with three new freshwater lignicolous species. Mycological Research, 1999, 103: 1019-1031.
Hyde, K.D. and Wong, SW Ultrastructural studies on the Myelospermaceae fam. nov., with a new species of Myelosperma. Mycological Research, 1999, 103: 347-352.
Hyde, K.D. and Alias, S.A. Linocarpon angustatum sp. nov. and Neolinocarpon nypicola sp. nov. from petioles of Nypa fruticans, and a list of fungi from aerial parts of this host. Mycoscience, 1999, 40: 145-150.
Hyde, K.D.. Ho. W.H. and Tsui, K.M. The genera Aniptodera, Halosarpheia, Nais and Phaeonectriella from freshwater habitats. Mycoscience, 1999, 40:165-184.
Kang. J.C., Hyde, K.D. and Kong, Y.C. Studies on the Amphisphaeriaceae. The Amphisphaeriaceae (sensu stricto). Mycological Research, 1999, 103: 53-64.
Kang, J.C., Hyde, K.D. and Kong, Y.C. Studies on the Amphisphaeriales: The genera excluded from Amphisphaeriaceae, Cainiaceae and Clypeosphaeriaceae. Fungal Diversity, 1999. 2: 135-151.
Kang, J.C., Hyde, K.D. and Kong, Y.C. Studies on the Amphisphaeriaceae 1. The Clypeosphaeriaceae. Mycoscience, 1999, 40: 151-164
Kwok, H.K. and Corlett, R.T. Seasonality of a forest bird community in Hong Kong, South China. Ibis, 1999, 141: 70-79.
Lee, C.H. and Hodgkiss, I.J. The effect of poor handling procedures on enteral feeding systems in Hong Kong. Journal of Hospital Infection, 1999, 42: 119-123.
Lu, B. and Hyde. K.D. Fungi from palms. XLI. Fasciatispora sabalicola: further collections from Florida, USA. Mycotaxon. 1999, 71: 393-397
Lu. S. and Hodgkiss, I.J. An unusual year for the occurrence of harmful algae. Harmful Algae News, 1999, 18:1-3.
Lu, S. and Hodgkiss, I.J. Gambierdiscus toxicus, a ciguatera fish poisoning producing species found in Hong Kong waters. 1st Conference on Harmful Algae Management and Mitigation, Subic Bay, Philippines, 1999, 22.
Morton, B. At last, changing environmental policy initiatives in Hong Kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin 1999, 38(7): 519-520.
Morton, B.S. and Chan. K. Hunger rapidly overcomes the risk of predation in the subtidal scavenger Nassarius siquijorensis (Gastropoda: Nassariidae): an energy budget and a comparison with the intertidal Nassarius festivus. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 1999. 240: 213-228
Pointing, S.B., Buswell, J.A., Jones, E.B.G. and Vrijmoed, L.L.P. Extracellular cellulolytic enzyme profiles of five lignicolous mangrove fungi. Mycological Research, 1999, 103: 696-700. 700.
Pointing, S.B. Qualitative methods for determining lignocellulolytic enzyme production by tropical fungi. Fungal Diversity, 1999, 2:17-33.
Sun, M. Cleistogamy in Scutellaria indica (Labiatae): effective mating system and population genetic structure. Molecular Ecology 1999, 8: 1285-1295.
Taylor, J. and Hyde, K.D. Fungi from palms. XL. Iodosphaeria. Sydowia, 1999, 51: 127-132
Ternan, J.L. and Neller, R. The erodibility of soils beneath wildfire prone grasslands in the humid tropics, Hong Kong. Catena 1999, 36: 49-64.
Tsi, Z.-h., Luo, Y.-b., Cribb, P.J., McGougb, N., Siu, G. & Chau, L. A preliminary report on the population size, ecology and conservation status of some Paphiopedilum species (Orchidaceae) in Southwest China. Lindleyana, 1999, 14(1). 12-23.
Tsui, K.M., Goh, T.K., Hyde, K.D. and Hodgkiss, I.J. Reflections on Menisporopsis, with the addition of M. multiseatulata sp. nov. from submerged wood in Hong Kong. Mycological Research, 1999, 103: 148-152.
Umali, T.E., Hyde, K.D. and Quimio, T.H. Arecophila bambusae sp. nov. and A. coronata comb. nov., from dead culms of bamboo. Mycoscience, 1999, 40: 185-188.
Umali, T.E., Zhou, D., Goh, T.K. and Hyde, K.D. Cryptophiale sphaerospora sp. nov. occurring on Janetia synnernatosa. Mycoscience, 1999, 40: 189-192.
Whitton, S.R., Hyde, K.D. and Mc Kenzie, E.H.C. Microfungi on the Pandanaceae, a new species of Stictis (Ostropales). Fungal Diversity, 1999, 2: 169-174.
Wong, K.M., Goh, T.K. and Hyde, K.D. A new species of Phragmitensis (Ascomycetes) from senescent culms of Phragmites australis. Fungal Diversity, 1999, 2: 175-180.
Wong, SW and Hyde, K.D. Proboscispora aquatica gen. et sp. nov. from wood submerged in freshwater. Mycological Research, 1999, 103: 81-87.
Wong, SW, Hyde, K.D. and Jones, E.B.G. Ultrastructural studies on a new freshwater ascomycetes, Fluminicola coronata gen. et sp. nov. Fungal Diversity, 1999, 2: 187-197.
Wong, SW and Hyde, K.D. Ultrastructural observations on Oxydothis alexandrarum. Fungal Diversity, 1999, 2: 181-188
Wong, SW, Hyde, K.D., Jones, E.B.G. and Moss, S.T. Ultrastructural studies on the aquatic ascomycetes Annulatascus velatisporus and A. triseptatus sp. nov. Mycological Research, 1999, 103: 561-571.
Wong, Y.Y., Dickman, M.D. and Pan, S.M. Toxic marine diatoms of Hong Kong: a Paleoecological study. J. Environ. Sci. (China), 1999, 9(1): 1-10.
Xia, X. Estimating the frequency of litters with multiple paternity by using molecular data. The Application, Methods and Theories in Molecular Ecology, 1999, 136-151.
Yang, Z. and Hodgkiss, I.J. Massive fish killing by Gyrodinium sp.. Harmful Algae News, 1999, 18: 4-5.
Yanna, Hyde, K.D. and Goh, T.K. Endomelanconium phoenicicola sp. nov., a new coelomycete from Phoenix hanceana in Hong Kong. Fungal Diversity, 1999, 2:199-204.
Zhang, D. and Saunders, R.M.K. Burmannia Iarseniana (Burmanniaceae): a new species from Thailand. Nordic Journal of Botany, 1999, 19: 241-244.
Zhang, F.Z. and Dickman, MD Mid-ocean exchange of container vessel ballast water. 1:Seasonal factors affecting the transport of harmful diatoms and dinoflagellates. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 1999, 176: 243-252.
Zhang, L., Corlett, RT. and Chau, L. Syrrhopodon hongkongensis (Calymperaceae, Musci), a new species from Hong Kong. Bryologist, 1999, 102: 122-124.
Zhuang, X. and Corlett, R.T. Study on seed ecophysiological characteristics of tree species in secondary forest of Hong Kong. Ecologic Science, 1999, 18: 1-6.
Anderson, D., Andersen, P., Bricelj, M., Cullen, J., Hodgkiss, I.J., Rensel, J.E. and Wong, J.T.Y. Study of Red Tide Monitoring and Management in Hong Kong: Technical Report No. 2 – Red Tide Monitoring and Management Strategies. Agriculture and Fisheries Department, Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 1999, 239pp. Plus Annex
Anderson, D., Andersen, P., Bricelj, M., Cullen, J., Hodgkiss, I.J., Rensel, J.E., Wong, J.T.Y. and Wu, R. Study of Red Tide Monitoring and Management in Hong Kong: Technical Report No. 3 - Proposed Master Plan for Red Tide/HAB Monitoring and Management. Agriculture and Fisheries Department, Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 1999, 193pp. plus 7 Annexes.
Anderson, D., Andersen, P., Bricelj, M., Cullen, J., Hodgkiss, I.J., Ho, K.C., Rensel, J.E., Wong, J.T.Y. and Wu, R. Study of Red Tide Monitoring and Management in Hong Kong: Final Report. Agriculture and Fisheries Department, Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 1999, 262 pp.
Anderson, D., Andersen, P., Bricelj, M., Cullen, J., Hodgkiss, I.J. and Rensel, J.E. Study of Red Tide Monitoring and Management in Hong Kong: Executive Summary. Agriculture and Fisheries Department, Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 1999, 45pp.
Chiu, H.M.C. and Morton, B.S. Final Report. The biology, distribution and status, of Horseshoe crabs, Tachypleus and Carcinoscorpius (Arthropoda: Chelicerata), in' Hong Kong: recommendations for conservation and management. A Final Report to China Light & Power Co Ltd. The Swire Institute of Marine Science, The University of Hong Kong. 1999, pp. i-ix+121
Dudgeon, D. and Corlett, R.T. 'A Biodiversity Survey of Hong Kong. Version 1.0" CD-ROM & 64 pp. Department of Ecology & Biodiversity, The University of Hong Kong. 1999.
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