Old Stuff

John Crampton W. Kershaw was one of the more noteworthy naturalists in this part of the world at the turn of the century, and probably the first to carry out zoological studies in Macao, on both birds and insects. Below is a selection of his publications:

Kershaw, J.C.W., 1904. List of birds of the Quangtung Coast, China. Ibis 4: 235-248.

~ 1905. Butterfly-destroyers in Southern China. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 5-8.

~ 1907. Butterflies of Hong Kong. Kelly & Walsh, 147pp.

~ 1907. The life history of Spindasis lohita Horst. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 245-248.

~ 1907. On the egg cases and early stages of some South China Cassididae. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 249-252. (with Frederick Muir).

~ 1908. On the metamorphoses of two Hemiptera Homoptera from Southern China. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. 59-62. (With G.W. Kirkaldy).

~ 1910. On the metamorphosis of two coptosomine Hemiptera from Macao. Annales Societ� Entomologique Belgique 54: 69-73.

~ 1910. On the formation of the ootheca of a Chinese mantid, Hierodula sausurii. Pysche 17(4): 136-141.

Emmett Easton


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