Book Reviews


Exploring Hong Kong's countryside - A visitor's companion

The butterflies of Hong Kong


EXPLORING HONG KONG'S COUNTRYSIDEA Visitor's Companion By Edward Stokes, 1999. Hong Kong Tourist Association & Agriculture and Fisheries Department. 185 pp., HK$80, softbound. Chinese, English and Japanese versions available.

Believe it or not, Hong Kong is a gorgeous place where you can see a lot of wild fauna and flora! I am really fascinated by the beautiful photographs in Edward Stokes' new book "Exploring Hong Kong's Countryside". This book will be a useful aid to tourists and residents alike who wish to investigate the local countryside. It is divided into five parts: 'The Countryside', 'Regions and Hiking', 'Areas and Walking', 'Special Interests' and 'Exploring Further'.

From a hiker's point of view, Part Two will be the most attractive. It is divided into six regional sections, namely Hong Kong Island, Lamma Island, Lantau Island, Central New Territories, Sai Kung Peninsula and Plover Cove. Many hiking routes are described, and coded by colours, which is very helpful when one is reading any trail, because one can quickly tell where the trail is located, One can follow the suggested trails and appreciate the natural environment at the same time. The length of the trails, height, degree of difficulty and time needed are stated, such that one can be well prepared before the trip. Trail features, hiking safety, transport map, route map and other hiking information are useful aids. Also the special characters of the scenery are mentioned. Apart from that, the way/method to follow the trail is suggested, and you can see how considerate the author is. I am sure I will enjoy reading the "Sidelight" section and some history once I reach the top of the trail. There are also some very informative boxed text sections, such as Hillside Blazes. Revealing the Past. Maturing Forests and so on.

Ecologists or students who study environmental science/biology should read Part Four (Special Interests) which includes information on dolphins, rocks, birds, butterflies and dragonflies, amphibians and reptiles, mammals, trees and shrubs. Apart from giving general information on each topic, the author also suggests some relevant additional books to read, thus one can get to know the interested topics in depth. The most encouraging thing is that the Porcupine! is also recommended for readers. So I do hope more and more people will contribute to this publication when they see something exciting and interesting in the wild places.

In fact, teachers or educators must surely gain some advantage from reading this book. It is obviously useful for a science teacher or environmental educator, and I don't need to say too much. Art teachers can bring their students for outings and get them to draw pictures of nature. Language teachers can ask their students to write an article or descriptive composition after a day trip in an outdoor environment. At least, I found I could learn a lot of descriptive terms from the book and I believe the students may find it advantageous.

For families with children, hiking / map reading may be a bit difficult. But I believe they will find Part Three very useful. The four places recommended by the author are City Escapes, Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve, Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden, and Mai Po and Deep Bay. One will know what can be seen in such places after reading the Key Features. Besides, the ways to these places (area access) are mentioned. So now, you and your family members should know where and how to go on the coming weekend(s)!

One other group of people which will benefit is photographers. You may now want to go to the natural environment, to see whether you can photograph the wild boar, or take a good picture of flying butterflies, because Hong Kong is really an attractive place for diverse fauna and flora. You do not have to go abroad to take pictures of wildlife. Stay in Hong Kong and you will find unbelievable things.

However, a few points should be clarified: on page 164 of the Chinese version, the picture shows a porcupine but is labelled as a badger. Also, the Chinese names given for some fauna are not consistent with the recommended books. The information on Lions Nature Education Centre in Part Four (Special Interests) should be put under Part Three (Areas and Walking), as Part Four describes things according to the scientific classification while the Centre provides lots of things to see and learn, like the other places mentioned in Part Three.

This book is of great worth. Why don't you go out and buy one now? It costs $80 only, for something which is invaluable.

Senior Education Officer,

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THE BUTTERFLIES OF HONG KONG by M.J. Bascombe, G. Johnston and F.S. Bascombe, 1999. Academic Press, London, 664pp. (including 240pp. of plates), hardcover, �149. (Not for sale in Hong Kong).

Hong Kong is endowed with a large and diverse butterfly fauna, and watching and recording it is a growing interest. However, books about the local butterflies are notoriously difficult to come across. The two most useful previous texts (J.C.S. Marsh's Hong Kong Butterflies, originally published in 1960, and Gweneth and Bernard Johnston's This is Hong Kong: Butterflies, published twenty years later) have long been out of print. Paul Lau's recent Butterflies of Hong Kong is not comprehensive, and is stocked in only a few Hong Kong book stores. It is unfortunate, therefore, that Bascombe, Johnston and Bascombe's The Butterflies of Hong Kong, which emphatically supersedes all previous books on the subject, is in danger of staying almost as little-seen here as are its predecessors.

This masterly work has been a very long time in coming. The authors - all now based in England - gathered most of their material for it during the 1970s and 1980s, and an earlier version of the book was written many years ago. It has at long last found a willing publisher in the Academic Press, has been brought meticulously up-to-date, and is now, finally, available to Hong Kong naturalists.

Well, sort of , you can't actually buy it here, and, given its size and weight. ordering it from overseas will add substantially to its already titanic price tag of �149 (approximately HK$ 1,900). However, those who are able and willing to part with such a considerable sum will not be disappointed. The three authors have condensed their collective experience (amounting to several decades of study), and that of many others, into a volume which will surely remain unchallenged as the definitive account of Hong Kong's butterfly fauna until well into the next century.

The book's layout is clear, logical and attractive. It begins with a useful but rather too brief section placing Hong Kong and its butterflies in a biogeographical context, followed by a lengthy chapter on butterfly biology (structured around an account of the butterfly life-cycle), and a shorter one on taxonomy. Part Two of the book comprises a highly detailed systematic account of the Hong Kong butterfly fauna, complemented throughout by figures, tables, photographs and keys. All stages of the life-cycle are described (with occasional exceptions where knowledge is scant) for 219 species. Information on host plants, larval and adult behaviour, and known parasitoids of particular species is also given. Various useful appendices follow, before one reaches the splendid plate section, in which adults of all 219 species (including wet season forms and dry season forms where appropriate), and pre-adult stages of 163 species, are featured.

Throughout, one cannot fail to be impressed by the detail, technical scope, and sheer depth of information provided. A particular strength of the authors is their knowledge of pre-adult life history. One learns, for example, that Hong Kong butterfly species which feed as larvae on Papilionaceae are able to use, on average, thirteen different foodplant species. However, a few glitches have crept in, as on page 269, where the authors inadvertently assert that pupae of Hong Kong Satyrinae (Browns) are not green or brown. This text unfortunately (or, perhaps, fortunately) appears beneath a photograph of the apple green pupa of the satyrine Lethe confusa. One might also question many of the photographs - particularly of adults - which accompany the species accounts. These are of variable quality, even for common and easily photographed species. The photograph of the Common Sailor Neptis hylas on p. 332, for example, is rather poor and virtually indistinguishable from the photograph of the Southern Sullied Sailor N. clinia which appears next to it. However, these are trivial criticisms, and in truth it is difficult to find fault with the authors.

Those of us (this reviewer included) who are accustomed to using the common names given in Johnston & Johnston's 1980 book, This is Hong Kong: Butterflies will be interested to learn that many of these names have been thrown out by the present authors, in favour of names used in other regional texts. This means, for example, that 'Dark Mormon' becomes 'Spangle', 'Common Black Jezebel' becomes 'Red-base Jezebel', 'Common White' becomes 'Indian Cabbage White', 'Common White-banded Brown' becomes 'Banded Tree Brown' and 'Dark-veined Tiger' becomes 'Common Tiger'. There are many other examples, of which the most confounding is the renaming of the two Ypthima 'Six-ring' species (lisandra and baldus) as 'Five-ring', even though both commonly have three pairs of eyespots on the hindwing underside. The logic at work here is apparently that the third pair of eyespots occupies a single space on the wing, whereas the first two pairs each occupy two spaces. In one species, both the common and the scientific names have been corrected: Mycalesis panthaka Common Bush Brown should actually be M. zonata South China Bush Brown.

Hong Kong's recorded butterfly fauna is growing, and a number of claimed recent additions to the list (Ampittia virgata, Tagiades menaka, Zographetus satwa, Papilio dialis, Pithecops corvus, Euthalia monina, Mycalesis sangaica and Neptis nata) are omitted from The Butterflies of Hong Kong either because there is no specimen or because the additions are simply too recent for inclusion. So this magnificent book is not quite a final statement. However, it is as close to one as we are ever likely to get.


The book can be ordered from leading local bookshops or internet stores such as, or from the Associated Press at

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