A new group has been born, or hatched which ever is your preference. We no longer want to keep our cards tightly to our chest but instead feel it's time to trade secrets. (After all we do live in a world of democracy... don't we?): Hong Kong Zoo & Wildlife Alliance (HKZWA).
So who are we?
The group is made up of representatives from the following Animal organisations: Ocean Park (Chairman), Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden (Secretary), Hong Kong Jockey Club, Urban Services Department, and World Wide Fund for Nature H.K.
What are our objectives?
Well, so far we are still in the preliminary stages, having only held two introductory meetings. Our objectives have yet to be etched out in stone but we hope to open up the doorways to allow inter-institutional collaboration and communication. By working together and learning from each other we aim to improve the standard of captive animal care and management in Hong Kong.
How do we aim to fulfill our objectives?
Initially we intend to visit and familiarize ourselves with the facilities of each of the representatives within the Alliance to openly learn each other's strengths and weaknesses. Starting from the bottom up, we hope to stimulate interest in our staff and generate enthusiasm and awareness in/for animal care at our facilities. This will allow us to improve upon basic techniques in areas such as sanitation, feeding, enrichment, breeding & medicine.
In the not so distant future we hope to set up a series of working groups each of which will represent an animal group, i.e. mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, invertebrates and veterinarians (oops!) with the hope that relevant workshops and seminars can guide us towards achieving a higher standard of animal husbandry.
One of our veterinary members suggested holding future gatherings in a pub, anticipating that, after a few pints, frank, lively and vigorous discussions would flow freely! (Do you think they head out for a quick one to discuss surgical techniques just prior to surgery?)
Amanda Haig
P.S. If there are any Alliance members currently reading this - Are we still looking for a venue for the next committee meeting? [Mad Dogs? The Bull & Bear? The Flying Pig? The Frog & Toad? Ed]
If any of you have heard any nasty rumours that KFBG staffs are all raving alcoholics, please we beg that you don't take any notice. We are just a friendly bunch of Guys and Gals who like to get together on a Friday night for a social natter and of course a drink or two!!
If anybody finds themselves trapped in the N.T.'s on a Friday night then why not come and join us? We don't bite, honestly [apart from Paul]. Although I must warn you that after a few too many Paul and Rupert may try to bore you to death with their own life philosophies!
Amanda Haig
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