Hydrophis ornatus (Gray, 1842)
Ornate Sea Snake 淡灰海蛇
(Highly venomous)

Hydrophis ornatus
Squamata 有鱗目
Serpentes 蛇亞目
Family Elapidae 眼鏡蛇科
Genus Hydrophis 海蛇屬
Species Hydrophis ornatus
Other name -
Chinese name 黑點海蛇
Total length Up to 95 cm
Description Ground colour pale greyish or olive, with broad dark bands or occasionally rhomboidal spots.
Ventrals yellowish or whitish, much reduced in size. Robust and stocky body.
Head large, with the nostrils opening on top of snout. Two short fangs in the front of upper jaw.
Tail laterally compressed and paddle-shaped. Dorsal scales tuberculate.
Is highly venomous and has caused human deaths.

Nothing is known of the local habits or habitat preferences of this snake.

Behaviour -
Diet Is thought to feed mostly on eels, accepted other fish in captivity.
Reproduction Viviparous.
Distribution Known locally from only three specimens which were caught by fishermen in or near Hong Kong waters.
Ranges from Persian Gulf eastward to western Pacific Ocean including the coast of China as north as Shandong.
Conservation Status IUCN Redlist: NE (Not Evaluated)
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