Scincella modesta (Günther, 1864)
Slender Forest Skink 寧波滑蜥

Scincella modesta
Squamata 有鱗目
Lacertilia 蜥蜴亞目
Family Scincidae 石龍子科
Genus Scincella 滑蜥屬
Species Scincella modesta
Other name Modest Ground Skink
Chinese name 馬蛇子
Total length Total length up to 10 cm; snout-vent length not more than 4 cm.
Description Back dark brown, with a thin black dorsolateral line that has irregular margins.
The line extends from eye to anterior two-thirds of tail. Head very small and narrow.
Has many small, dark speckles scattered on the back. Flanks lightly peppered with white.
Underside of belly pale yellow.
Underside of tail bright coppery red, unlike that of Reeve's Smooth Skink (S. reevesii), which is orange-yellow or greyish-blue.
Scales smooth.

Broad-leaf forest, usually in hilly or mountainous areas.
Occasionally found in montane grassland. Most often found hiding beneath objects or scuttling though leaf litter on the forest floor.
On Lantau is often found on steep wooded slopes.
Considerably less common than S. reevesii. The two species have been found to occur sympatrically.

Behaviour Diurnal and crepuscular (active during twilight).
Diet Feeds on small insects.
Reproduction Oviparous. Lays 5-9 eggs which are buried in soil.
Other details of breeding habits unknown.
Distribution Known from a few scattered sites in the New Territories (Tai Mo Shan, Shing Mun, Castle Peak, Tai Mong Tsai, Tai Long Wan, Tai Mei Tuk, Ma On Shan) as well as a number of localities on Lantau and Hong Kong islands.
Has a puzzling distribution in central and southern China that is rather discontinuous.
Conservation Status IUCN Redlist: NE (Not Evaluated)
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