
This website is a photographic database which aims to assist students or amateurs to identify reptiles in Hong Kong. The website includes all 94 local reptile species (16 turtles, 23 lizards and 55 snakes).

The content of this website is based largely on the now out-of-print classic book of Karsen et al. (1998), with recent updates on classification and local status.

Some scientific names of the reptile species have been changed since the publication of Karsen et al. (1998) and Ades & Kendrick (2004). This website revised the names and adopted the currently most commonly accepted scientific names. Here is the checklist (in pdf format) for user's reference.

Some species photos are unavailable at the moment. We will continue to update this database, and we welcome contribution of photos.


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Last Update: 19 April 2013

Ades, G.W.J. & Kendrick, R.C. 2004. Hong Kong Fauna: a checklist of selected taxa. Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden, Hong Kong.
Karsen, S. J., Lau, M.W.N. & Bogadek, A. 1998. Hong Kong Amphibians and Reptiles (2nd Edition). Provisional Urban Council Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Zhao, E.M. & Alder, K. 1993. Herpetology of China. Society for the Study of Amphibians & Reptiles. Society for the Study of Amphibians & Reptiles. Oxford, Ohio.
趙爾宓. 2006. 中國蛇類 (上,下冊) 安徽科學技術出版社.
漁農自然護理署. 2006. 追蹤蛇影:香港陸棲毒蛇圖鑑 天地圖書有限公司.
漁農自然護理署. 2005. 蛙蛙世界 : 香港兩棲動物圖鑑 天地圖書有限公司.
中國野生動物保護協會. 2002. 中國爬行動物圖鑑 河南科學技術出版社.
趙爾宓 黃美華 宗愉 等編著. 1999. 中國動物志 爬行綱 第二卷 有鱗目 蜥蝪亞目. 科學出版社.
趙爾宓 黃美華 宗愉 等編著. 1999. 中國動物志 爬行綱 第三卷 有鱗目 蛇亞目. 科學出版社.
張孟聞 宗愉 馬積藩.1998. 中國動物志 爬行綱 第一卷 總論 龜鱉目 鱷形目. 科學出版社.