Microhyla butleri (Boulenger, 1900)
Butler's Pigmy Frog 粗皮姬蛙



Order Caudata
Family Microhylidae
Scientific name Microhyla butleri
Chinese name 粗皮姬蛙
Common name Butler's Pigmy Frog



Size > 3 cm
  • A tiny frog with triangular body and pointed snout
  • Back greyish-brown; with large, irregular dark-brown spots
  • Tubercles scattered regularly on the back
  • A pale stripe extends from eye to axilla
  • All limbs poccess small suction disc

Habitat and Ecology


Forests, streams, cultivated fields, grasslands and ponds

Activity Nocturnal
Diet Ants and other insects.


Breeding period

April to August

Mating call
Larvae Pale grey to almost transparent. Tail is tapering to a fine tip with red dots. Breeding male calls is a series of loud discontinuous chirps.
Egg Brown, forming a floating patch on water.


Distribution and Conservation


Occurs in northern, central New Territories and Sai Kung. Absent in Hong Kong Island and Lantau Island.

Ranges from central and southern China including Taiwan to Southeast Asia .

Conservation status (IUCN)



male 2

adult 2



