Limnonectus fujianensis (Ye and Fei, 1994)
Big-headed Frog 大頭蛙



Order Anura
Family Dicroglossidae
Scientific name Limnonectus fujianensis
Chinese name 大頭蛙
Common name Big-headed Frog



Size 5 - 7 cm
  • A medium size frog
  • Back dark-brown and warty
  • Belly whitish
  • Head wide, large and triangular
  • Body depressed
  • Males larger than females; with intense territorial behaviour
  • Dark band present between eyes; dictinctive 'W'-shaped marking behind the eyes on the back.

Habitat and Ecology


Slow-flowing stream sheltered by vegetation. Also found in pools and along forest footpath.

Activity Nocturnal
Diet Earthworms, frogs ants and other insects.


Breeding period April to August.
Larvae Bottom-dwelling. Brownish yellow with scattered black spots; early stage tadpoles with conspicuous irregular banding on tail.
Egg 2 mm in diameter. Laid in single or small groups at the bottom of shallow pools.


Distribution and Conservation


Widely distributed from central and southern China to Indonesia (including Taiwan).

Recorded in New Territories such as Tai Po Kau, Kam Shan Country Park, Lam Tsuen, Lion Rock Hill.

Conservation status (IUCN)

Least Concern



adult 1 adult 2


adult 3

adult 4



