Amolops ricketti (Boulenger, 1899)
South China Cascade Frog 華南湍蛙



Order Anura
Family Ranidae
Scientific name Amolops ricketti
Chinese name 華南湍蛙
Common name South China Cascade Frog



Size 5 cm
  • A medium-sized frog
  • Back is yellowish-grey with irregular dark markings
  • Chest with marble-like pattern
  • Skin rough and warty with numerous granules
  • Toes fully webbed
  • All digits with large and distinctive adhesive discs
  • Snout round and blunt

Habitat and Ecology


Fast-flowing mountain streams shaded by vegetation.

Activity Nocturnal
Diet Ants and other insects.


Breeding period May to June
Larvae 40 mm in length; Yellowish line extend to the front of the tail can be seen on lateral side of the body.
Ventral sucker enables the tadpole to attach firmlyto the rock surface.
Egg Creamy white; usually attached to underside of stone. Each female lays 1,000 eggs per clutch.


Distribution and Conservation


Widely distributed in southern and western China. Distributed in mountain streams only in Lantau Island.

First collected from a stream on Lantau Island in 2003. Several specimens were collected in a stream near Tung Chung. Rare local distribution restricted to Lantau Island.

Conservation status (IUCN)



adult 1 adult 3

adult 2



