A new tool for determining water quality criteria (WQC) for toxic metals in both fresh and marine waters

A new tool for determining water quality criteria (WQC) for toxic metals in both fresh and marine waters

Dec 18th 2018

A Better Test for Water Quality A new tool for determining water quality criteria (WQC) for toxic metals in ...

Using science to fight wildlife trafficking

Using science to fight wildlife trafficking

Dec 18th 2018

Conservation Forensics Researchers from the School of Biological Sciences are helping to provide scientific ...

Tree Project Counts on Citizen Scientists

Tree Project Counts on Citizen Scientists

Dec 18th 2018

Tree Project Counts on Citizen Scientists About 360 volunteers from the community were recruited and trained ...

Microwave food is indeed healthy to overturn the idea of causing carcinogenic

Microwave food is indeed healthy to overturn the idea of causing carcinogenic

Nov 23rd 2018

Dr. Jimmy Louie was interviewed to point out the cooking way of microwave is healthy and ...

Out of control means off the menu (HKU-led study shows that shark fin trade is unsustainable)

Out of control means off the menu (HKU-led study shows that shark fin trade is unsustainable)

Sep 14th 2018

Out of control means off the menu HKU-led study shows that shark fin trade is unsustainable Fishing ...

Assessing impact of conservation forensics research on the fight to reduce global wildlife trade

Assessing impact of conservation forensics research on the fight to reduce global wildlife trade

Aug 31st 2018

Conservation Forensics Helping to Fight Illegal Wildlife Trafficking Illegal wildlife trafficking is the ...

Scientists fear land reclamation will harm ecology of south China waters and survival of iconic white dolphin

Scientists fear land reclamation will harm ecology of south China waters and survival of iconic white dolphin

Jul 18th 2018

Scientists fear land reclamation will harm ecology of south China waters and survival of iconic white ...