Molecular and cellular mechanisms that regulate normal ovarian function and the development of ovarian cancer.
Local adaptation, evolution in small populations, determinants of genetic diversity, relative roles of natural selection, genetic drift and phenotypic plasticity in explaining population differentiation, evolution in response to climate change
Endocrinology of brain-gut peptides, pleiotropic activities of secretin in our body, evolution of GHRH/PACAP peptides and receptors.
Mechanisms of HIV gene expression, transcriptional elongation of RNA polymerase II, Phase-separation mechanisms, Epigenetic control of gene transcription
Global Change, Conservation Biology, Tropical Ecology, Natural History, Urban Ecosystems, Climate, Biogeography, Lepidoptera.
Agricultural Biotechnology; Plant Energy and Carbon Metabolism; Plant Organelle Biology
Ocean acidification; Environmental proteomics; Biofouling: Larval Biology; Oyster Fishery and Aquaculture; and Ecological and economic consequences of larval exposure to environmental stressors.
Intertidal ecology, herbivore-autotroph interactions, behaviour and ecophysiology of intertidal species, especially molluscs.
Microbial Stress Response, Antimicrobial Resistance, CRISPR-Cas, Host-Pathogen Interface.
Stress-tolerant crops, plant bioreactors, plant lipids & isoprenoids, agricultural biotechnology, plant molecular biology.
Freshwater ecology and biodiversity conservation.
Neuroendocrine regulation and signal transduction mechanisms for pituitary hormone expression in fish models.
Epigenetics, chromatin biology, histone modifications, Protein-protein interaction, cell-type and tissue-specific protein labeling, Chemical proteomics, Drug target identification.
Tropical rainforest, canopies, food webs, insects, climate change, processes and patterns of biodiversity.
Coral Reef Ecology, Stable Isotope Ecology, Evolution & Extinction of Symbiosis, Global Change, Marine Pollution, Conservation Forensics.
Molecular mechanisms of obesity-induced diabetes, Body weight regulation, Identification of small molecular weight compounds with therapeutic potentials against metabolic syndrome.
Biodiversity & Biogeography, Community Ecology, Biological Invasions, Urban Ecology, Insect Ecology, Paleoentomology, Taxonomy, Foraging Ecology and Ants!
Dr Hughes' research attempts to understand patterns of biodiversity and drivers of biodiversity change to inform more effective conservation across scales.
Lipid Oxidation Biomarkers.
Antioxidant and Oxidative Stress in Human Nutrition.
Fatty Acid Metabolites and Lipidomics.
Biosynthesis and metabolic engineering of natural products in crop plants (rice, sorghum, tomato), plant biochemistry and molecular biology.
Cytokine-mediated cell-cell adhesion, regulation of cell junction restructuring, transcription regulation of E3 ligases, ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation in the testis.
Marine Ecology (particularly subtidal), Climate Change and Nutrient Pollution impacts in marine ecosystems, herbivore and algal ecophysiology, Ecosystem Phase-shifts, Sustainable Aquaculture Production.
Plant physiology ecology, ecosystem ecology, biogeochemistry, global change, vegetation spectroscopy, and earth system science.
Paleoecology and macroecology, biodiversity patterns, climatic impacts, deep-sea biology, human-induced ecosystem degradation.
Cell Division, Chromosome Segregation, Centromere/Kinetochore Formation and Propagation, Genome Instability in Cancers, Epigenetics, Cell Cycle Regulation.
Integrated analysis of epigenetic regulation, gene regulatory network, and signaling pathway in stem cells, development, and tumorigenesis with high through-put 'omics' and systems biology.
Interplay between DNA repair, chromosome segregation and genome instability, Mechanism of homologous recombination, Mechanism of nucleases involved in DNA repair and segregation
Evolutionary ecology, Eco-physiology, Functional and comparative genomics, Quantitative genetics, Climate change biology
Mechanisms of signaling encoding of cell and tissue fates, developmental biology, optogenetics
Cryo-Electron Microscopy, Electrophysiology, Membrane Transport, Ion Channel Structure and Mechanism
Cryo-Electron Microscopy, Protein Structures and Dynamics, In-Situ Structural Analysis, AI for Structural Biology
Behavioural ecology and life histories of large mammals; human and animal dimensions of conservation; qualitative methods; African elephants, Asian elephants and wild boar​.
Ecological genomics, transcriptomics & epigenomics of adaptation, response to environmental change, transgenerational inheritance, and environmental effects on behaviour and the brain in marine organisms.
Molecular ecologist focusing on biodiversity dynamics and environmental assessment using environmental DNA (eDNA)
Animal coloration, behavioural ecology, conservation genomics, evolutionary biology, gene family evolution, genotype-phenotype association, host-pathogen co-evolution and mate choice.
Molecular regulation of photosynthesis and chloroplast biogenesis, Photosynthetic pigment metabolism, Plastid proteostasis, Plastid signaling, Adaption of plants to climate change.
Neuronal cell fate determination and subtype differentiation, microtubule dynamic and neuronal morphogenesis, neurodegeneration and axon regeneration, genomics and the evolution of neuronal diversity.
Food safety and toxicology with special focus on natural carcinogens; Transplacental transfer of toxins and disease development later in life; Probiotics and the prevention of liver and metabolic syndrome diseases.
Ecological restoration of degraded tropical landscape, environmental impact assessment, biodiversity assessment.
Waste management, environmental pollution and health risk assessment, environmental education
Biochemistry, Molecular Genetics, Chemistry, Nutrition and Metabolism, Nutrigenomics, Research Methodology, Cytogenetics and Cancer research
Public Health Nutrition, Nutrition and Life Cycle, Nutrition and Sports Performance, Functional Foods, and Food Security
Application of time-domain NMR and MRI in food analysis, postharvest quality of fruit and vegetable, chemometrics for food quality control.
Stable Isotope Ecology
Coral Reef Ecology
Historical Ecology
Global Change
Anthropogenic Impacts
Mangrove ecology
Grapsoid crabs
Fatty acids, oxidative stress and lipid oxidation. Lipidomic analysis and application on biological systems.