Distinguished Alumni Award 2015

The University of Hong Kong
Faculty of Science
MSc in Environmental Management

Awardee: Ir Raymond C. L. FONG
Year of Graduation: 1992
Current Position: General Manager (Environmental Management), Hong Kong Productivity Council
Nominator: Mr. Freeman C.M. CHEUNG (1991 Graduate)

- About 30 yeas rich experience in environmental management, cleaner production and energy management consultancy
- Lead and manage the Environmental Management Division of Hong Kong Productivity Council
- Co-opt Member, Energy Efficiency & Conservation Sub-committee, Environment Bureau, HKSARG (2006-present)
- Chairman, Energy Institute (Hong Kong Branch) (2011-13)
- Honorary Secretary, Energy Discipline Advisory Panel, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (2013-present)
- Building Energy Efficiency Appeal Board Member, Environment Bureau, HKSARG (2014-present)
- Greenhouse Gas Validation and Verification Task Force Member, Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) (2015-present)
- Environment & Sustainability Committee Member, Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (2015-present)

