David Dudgeon

Chair Professor of
Ecology & Biodiversity,
School of Biological Sciences,
The University of Hong Kong



Papers in peer-reviewed ISI journals


Dudgeon, D. (1982).  Aspects of the hydrology of Tai Po Kau Forest Stream, New Territories, Hong Kong.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Suppl. 64: 1-35.


Dudgeon, D. (1982).  Spatial and temporal changes in the sediment characteristics of Tai Po Kau Forest Stream, New Territories, Hong Kong, with some preliminary observations upon within-reach variations in current velocity.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Suppl. 64: 36-63.


Dudgeon, D. (1982).  Spatial and seasonal variations in the standing crop of periphyton and allochthonous detritus in a forest stream in Hong Kong, with notes on the magnitude and fate of riparian leaf fall.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Suppl. 64: 189-220.


Dudgeon, D. (1982).  Aspects of the microdistribution of insect macrobenthos in a forest stream in Hong Kong.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Suppl. 64: 221-239.


Dudgeon, D. (1982).  Aspects of the desiccation tolerance of four species of benthic Mollusca from Plover Cove Reservoir, Hong Kong.  Veliger 24: 267-271.


Dudgeon, D. (1982).  An investigation of physical and biological processing of two species of leaf litter in Tai Po Kau Forest Stream, New Territories, Hong Kong.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie 96: 1-32.


Dudgeon, D. (1982).  The life history of Brotia hainanensis (Brot, 1872) (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia: Thiaridae) in a tropical forest stream.  Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 76: 141-154.


Dudgeon, D. (1982).  An investigation into some physical and biotic effects of flooding on reservoir mud previously subjected to a period of aerial exposure.  Hydrobiologia 97: 27-35.


Dudgeon, D. (1983).  The utilization of terrestrial plants as a food source by the fish stock of a gently sloping marginal zone in Plover Cove Reservoir, Hong Kong.  Environmental Biology of Fishes 8: 73-77.


Dudgeon, D. (1983).  An investigation of the drift of aquatic insects in Tai Po Kau Forest Stream, New Territories, Hong Kong.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie 96: 434-447.


Dudgeon, D. & Morton, B. (1983).  The population dynamics and sexual strategy of Anodonta woodiana (Bivalvia: Unionacea) in Plover Cove Reservoir, Hong Kong.  Journal of Zoology, London 201: 161-183.


Dudgeon, D. (1983).  The effects of water level fluctuations on a gently shelving marginal zone of Plover Cove Reservoir, Hong Kong.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Suppl. 65: 163-196.


Dudgeon, D. (1983).  Preliminary measurements of primary production and community respiration in a forest stream in Hong Kong.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie 98: 287-298.


Barnard, P.C. & Dudgeon, D. (1984).  The larval ecology and morphology of a new species of Melanotrichia from Hong Kong (Trichoptera: Xiphocentronidae).  Aquatic Insects 6: 245-252.


Dudgeon, D. (1984).  Seasonal and long-term changes in the hydrobiology of the Lam Tsuen River, New Territories, Hong Kong, with special reference to benthic macroinvertebrate distribution and abundance.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Suppl. 69: 55-129.


Dudgeon, D. (1984).  Longitudinal and temporal changes in macroinvertebrate community organization in the Lam Tsuen River, Hong Kong.  Hydrobiologia 111: 207-217.


Dudgeon, D. & Morton, B. (1984).  Site selection and attachment duration of Anodonta woodiana (Bivalvia: Unionacea) glochidia on fish hosts.  Journal of Zoology, London 204: 355-362.


Dudgeon, D. (1985).  The population dynamics of some freshwater carideans (Crustacea: Decapoda) in Hong Kong, with special reference of Neocaridina serrata (Atyidae).  Hydrobiologia 120: 141-149.


Lam, P.K.S. & Dudgeon, D. (1985).  Fitness implications of plant-herbivore "mutualism".  Oikos 44: 360-361.


Lam, P.K.S. & Dudgeon, D. (1985).  Seasonal effects on litterfall in a Hong Kong mixed forest.  Journal of Tropical Ecology 1: 55-64.


Lam, P.K.S. & Dudgeon, D. (1985).  The effects and possible implications of artificial damage on the life-span of Ficus fistulosa leaves.  Journal of Tropical Ecology 1: 187-190.


Lam, P.K.S. & Dudgeon, D. (1985).  Breakdown of Ficus fistulosa (Moraceae) leaves in Hong Kong, with special reference to dynamics of elements and the effects of invertebrate consumers.  Journal of Tropical Ecology 1: 249-264.


Dudgeon, D. (1986).  The life cycle, population dynamics and productivity of Melanoides tuberculata (Müller, 1774) (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia: Thiaridae) in Hong Kong.  Journal of Zoology, London 208: 37-53.


Dudgeon, D. & Wat, C.Y.M. (1986).  Life cycle and diet of Zygonyx iris insignis (Insecta: Odonata: Anisoptera) in Hong Kong running waters.  Journal of Tropical Ecology 2: 75-87.


Dudgeon, D. (1987).  Niche specificities of four fish species (Homalopteridae, Cobitidae and Gobiidae) from a Hong Kong forest stream.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie 108: 349-364.


Dudgeon, D. (1987).  A laboratory study of optimal behaviour and the costs of net construction by Polycentropus flavomaculatus (Insecta: Trichoptera: Polycentropodidae).  Journal of Zoology, London 211: 121-141.


Dudgeon, D. (1987).  The larval development of Neocaridina serrata (Stimpson) (Crustacea: Caridea: Atyidae) from Hong Kong.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie 110: 339-356.


Dudgeon, D. & Richardson, J.S. (1988).  Dietary variations of predatory caddisfly larvae (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae, Polycentropodidae and Arctopsychidae) from British Columbian Streams.  Hydrobiologia 160: 33-43.


Dudgeon, D. (1988).  Flight periods of aquatic insects from a Hong Kong forest stream I.  Macronematinae (Hydropsychidae) and Stenopsychidae (Trichoptera).  Aquatic Insects 10: 61-68.


Dudgeon, D. (1988).  The influence of riparian vegetation on macroinvertebrate community structure in four Hong Kong streams.  Journal of Zoology, London 216: 609-627.


Dudgeon, D. (1989).  Life cycle, production, microdistribution and diet of the damselfly Euphaea decorata (Odonata: Euphaeidae) in a Hong Kong forest stream.  Journal of Zoology, London 217: 57-72.


So, P.M. & Dudgeon, D. (1989).  Variations in the life-history parameters of Hemipyrellia ligurriens (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in response to larval competition for food.  Ecological Entomology 14: 109-116.


Dudgeon, D. (1989).  Gomphid (Odonata: Anisoptera) life cycles and production in a Hong Kong forest stream.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie 114: 531-536.


Dudgeon, D. (1989).  Resource partitioning among Odonata (Insecta: Anisoptera and Zygoptera) larvae in a Hong Kong forest stream.  Journal of Zoology, London 217: 381-402.


Dudgeon, D. (1989).  Phoretic Diptera (Nematocera) on Zygonyx iris (Odonata: Anisoptera) from a Hong Kong river: incidence, composition and attachment sites.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie 115: 433-439.


So, P.M. & Dudgeon, D. (1989).  Larval growth dynamics of Hemipyrellia ligurriens (Calliphoridae) and Boettcherisca formosensis (Sarcophagidae) in crowded and uncrowded cultures.  Researches on Population Ecology (Kyoto) 31: 113-122.


Dudgeon, D. (1989).  The influence of riparian vegetation on the functional organization of four Hong Kong stream communities.  Hydrobiologia 179: 183-194.


So, P.M. & Dudgeon, D. (1989).  Life-history responses of larviparous Boettcherisca formosensis (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) to larval competition for food, including a comparison with oviparous Hemipyrellia ligurriens (Calliphoridae).  Ecological Entomology 14: 349-356.


Dudgeon, D. & Cheung, C.P.S. (1990).  Selection of gastropod prey by a tropical freshwater crab.  Journal of Zoology, London 220: 147-155.


So, P.M. & Dudgeon, D. (1990).  Phenology and diversity of necrophagous Diptera in a Hong Kong forest.  Journal of Tropical Ecology 6: 91-101.


Dudgeon, D. (1990).  Feeding by the aquatic heteropteran Diplonychus rusticum: an effect of prey density on meal size.  Hydrobiologia 190: 93-96.


Wells, A. & Dudgeon, D. (1990).  Hydroptilidae (Insecta: Trichoptera) from Hong Kong.  Aquatic Insects 12: 161-175.


So, P.M. & Dudgeon, D. (1990).  Interspecific competition among larvae of Hemipyrellia ligurriens (Calliphoridae) and Boettcherisca formosensis (Sarcophagidae) (Diptera).  Researches on Population Ecology (Kyoto) 32: 337-348.


Dudgeon, D. (1990).  Benthic community structure and the effect of rotenone piscicide on invertebrate drift and standing stocks in two Papua New Guinea streams.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie 119: 35-53.


Dudgeon, D. (1990).  Seasonal dynamics of drift in a Hong Kong stream.  Journal of Zoology, London 222: 187-196.


Dudgeon, D., Lam, P.K.S. & Ma, H.T. (1990).  Differential palatability of leaf litter to four sympatric isopods in a Hong Kong forest.  Oecologia 84: 398-403.


Dudgeon, D. (1991).  An experimental study of the effects of predatory fish on macroinvertebrates in a Hong Kong stream.  Freshwater Biology 25: 321-330.


Ma, H.T., Dudgeon, D. & Lam, P.K.S. (1991).  Seasonal changes in populations of three sympatric isopods in a Hong Kong forest.  Journal of Zoology, London 224: 347-365.


Ma, H.T., Lam, P.K.S. & Dudgeon, D. (1991).  Inter- and intraspecific life-history variations of three sympatric isopods in a Hong Kong forest.  Journal of Zoology, London 224: 667-687.


Dudgeon, D. (1991).  An experimental study of abiotic disturbance effects on community structure and function in a tropical stream.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie 122: 403-420.


Lam, P.K.S., Dudgeon, D. & Ma, H.T. (1991).  Ecological energetics of populations of four sympatric isopods in a Hong Kong forest.  Journal of Tropical Ecology 7: 475-490.


Dudgeon, D. & Chan, I.K.K. (1992).  An experimental study of the influence of periphytic algae on invertebrate abundance in a Hong Kong stream.  Freshwater Biology 27: 53-63.


Ng, P.K.L. & Dudgeon, D. (1992).  The Potamidae and Parathelphusidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura) of Hong Kong.  Invertebrate Systematics (formerly Invertebrate Taxonomy) 6: 741-768.


Dudgeon, D. (1992).  The effects of water transfer on aquatic insects in a Hong Kong stream.  Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 7: 369-377.


Dudgeon, D. (1992).  Endangered ecosystems: a review of the conservation status of tropical Asian rivers.  Hydrobiologia 248: 167-191.


Dudgeon, D. (1993).  The effects of spate-induced disturbance, predation and environmental complexity on macroinvertebrates in a tropical stream.  Freshwater Biology 30: 189-197.


Dudgeon, D. (1994).  The influence of riparian vegetation on macroinvertebrate community structure and functional organization in six New Guinea streams.  Hydrobiologia 294: 65-85.


Dudgeon, D. (1995).  Life histories, secondary production and microdistribution of Psephenidae (Coleoptera: Insecta) from a tropical forest stream.  Journal of Zoology, London 236: 465-481.


Dudgeon, D. (1995).  Life history, secondary production and microdistribution of Hydrocyphon (Coleoptera: Scirtidae) in a tropical forest stream.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie 133: 261-271.


Dudgeon, D. (1995).  River regulation in southern China: ecological implications, conservation and environmental management.  Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 11: 35-54.


Dudgeon, D. (1996).  The life history, secondary production and microdistribution of Ephemera spp. (Ephemeroptera: Ephemeridae) in a tropical forest stream.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie 135: 473-483.


Dudgeon, D. (1996).  Life history, secondary production and microdistribution of Stenopsyche angustata (Trichoptera: Stenopsychidae) in a tropical forest stream.  Journal of Zoology, London 238: 679-691.


Dudgeon, D. (1996).  Life histories, secondary production and microdistribution of heptageniid mayflies (Ephemeroptera) in a tropical forest stream.  Journal of Zoology, London 240: 341-361.


Dudgeon, D. (1996).  The influence of refugia on predation impacts in a Hong Kong stream.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie 138: 145-159.


Dudgeon, D. (1997).  Life histories, secondary production and microdistribution of hydropsychid caddisflies (Trichoptera) in a tropical forest stream.  Journal of Zoology, London 243: 191-210.


Dudgeon, D. (1999).  Patterns of variation in secondary production in a tropical stream.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie 144: 271-281.


Dudgeon, D. & Wu, K.K.Y. (1999).  Leaf litter in a tropical stream: food or substrate for macroinvertebrates?  Archiv für Hydrobiologie 146: 65-82.


Tong, X. & Dudgeon, D. (1999).  Two new species of Platybaetis (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae) from Sulawesi, Indonesia.  Entomological News 110: 290-296.


Dudgeon, D. (1999).  The future now: prospects for the conservation of riverine biodiversity in Asia.  Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 9: 497-501.


Dudgeon, D. (2000).  Indiscriminate feeding by a predatory stonefly (Plecoptera: Perlidae) in a tropical Asian stream.  Aquatic Insects 22: 39-47.


Dudgeon, D. (2000).  Riverine biodiversity in Asia: a challenge for conservation biology.  Hydrobiologia 418: 1-13.


Dudgeon, D. (2000).  Large-scale hydrological changes in tropical Asia: prospects for riverine biodiversity.   BioScience 50: 793-806.


Dudgeon, D. (2000).  The ecology of tropical Asian rivers and streams in relation to biodiversity conservation.  Annual Review of Ecology & Systematics 31: 239-263.


Tong, X. & Dudgeon, D. (2000).  A new species of Prosopistoma from China (Prosopistomatidae: Ephemeroptera).  Aquatic Insects 22: 122-128.


Tong, X. & Dudgeon, D. (2000).  Ephemerellidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from Hong Kong, China, with descriptions of two new species.  Aquatic Insects 22: 197-207.


Tong, X. & Dudgeon, D. (2000).  Baetiella (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae) in Hong Kong, with descriptions of a new species.  Entomological News 111: 143-148.


Tong, X. & Dudgeon, D. (2000).  Two new species of Alainites (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Hong Kong, China.  Pan-Pacific Entomologist 76: 115-120.


Dudgeon, D. (2000).  Conservation of freshwater biodiversity in Oriental Asia: constraints, conflicts, and challenges to science and sustainability.  Limnology 1: 237-243.


Salas, M. & Dudgeon, D. (2001).  Stable-isotope determination of mayfly (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) food sources in three tropical Asian streams.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie 151: 17-32.


Salas, M. & Dudgeon, D. (2002).  Laboratory and field studies of mayfly growth in the tropics.   Archiv für Hydrobiologie 153: 75-90.


Neumann, M. & Dudgeon, D. (2002).  The impact of agricultural runoff on stream benthos in Hong Kong, China. Water Research 36: 3103-3109.


Tong, X. & Dudgeon, D. (2003).  First record of the genus Chopralla (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae) from China, and description of a new species.  Raffles’ Bulletin of Zoology 51: 17-19.


Dudgeon, D. (2002).  Inventorying riverine biodiversity in monsoonal Asia: present status and conservation challenges. Water Science & Technology 45: 11-19.


Salas, M. & Dudgeon, D. (2003).  Life histories, production dynamics and resource utilization of mayflies (Ephemeroptera) in two tropical Asian forest streams.  Freshwater Biology 48: 485-499.


Dudgeon, D. (2003).  The contribution of scientific information to the conservation and management of freshwater biodiversity in tropical Asia. Hydrobiologia 500: 295-314.


Tong, X. & Dudgeon, D. (2003).  Choroterpes (Choroterpes) petersi, a new species of Leptophlebiidae (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from China.  Pan-Pacific Entomologist 79: 71-74.


Dudgeon, D. (2003).  Clinging to the wreckage: unexpected persistence of freshwater biodiversity in a degraded tropical landscape.  Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 13: 93-97.


Yip, J.Y., Corlett, R.T. & Dudgeon, D. (2004).  A fine-scale gap analysis of the existing protected area system in Hong Kong, China.  Biodiversity & Conservation 13:  943-957.


Mantel, S.K. & Dudgeon D. (2004).  Dietary variation in a predatory shrimp, Macrobrachium hainanense (Palaemonidae), in Hong Kong forest streams.  Archiv für Hydrobiologie 160: 305-328.


Mantel, S.K. & Dudgeon D. (2004).  Effects of Macrobrachium hainanense predation on benthic community functioning in tropical Asian streams.  Freshwater Biology 49: 1306-1319.


Mantel, S.K. & Dudgeon, D. (2004).  Growth and production of a tropical predatory shrimp, Macrobrachium hainanense (Palaemonidae), in two Hong Kong streams.  Freshwater Biology 49: 1320-1336.


Mantel, S.K., Salas, M. & Dudgeon, D. (2004).  Food web structure in a tropical Asian forest stream.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23: 728-755.


Yam, R.S.W. & Dudgeon, D. (2005).  Stable isotope investigation of food use by Caridina spp. (Decapoda: Atyidae) in Hong Kong streams.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 24: 68-81.


Dudgeon, D. (2005).  Last chance to see … Ex situ conservation and the fate of the baiji.  Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 15: 105-108.


Mantel, S.K. & Dudgeon, D. (2005).   Reproduction and sexual dimorphism of the palaemonid shrimp Macrobrachium hainanense in Hong Kong streams.   Journal of Crustacean Biology 25:450-459.


Jansson, R., Backx, H., Boulton, A.J., Dixon, M., Dudgeon, D., Hughes, F., Nakamura, K., Stanley, E. & Tockner, K. (2005).   Stating mechanisms and refining criteria for ecologically successful river restoration.  Journal of Applied Ecology 42: 218-222.


Hau, B.C.H., Dudgeon, D. & Corlett, R.T. (2005).  Beyond Singapore: Hong Kong and Asian biodiversity?  Trends in Ecology & Evolution 20: 281-282.


Yam, R.S.W. & Dudgeon, D. (2005).  Inter- and intraspecific differences in the life history and growth of Caridina spp. (Decapoda: Atyidae) in Hong Kong streams.   Freshwater Biology 50: 2114-2128.


Yam, R.S.W. & Dudgeon, D. (2005).   Genetic differentiation of Caridina spp. (Decapoda: Atyidae) in Hong Kong streams.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 24: 845-857.


Dudgeon, D. (2005).  River rehabilitation for conservation of fish biodiversity in monsoonal Asia.  Ecology & Society 10: 15. http://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol10/iss2/art15/.


Chan, L.L., Sit, W.-H., Lam, P.K.S.,  Hsieh, D.P.H., Hodgkiss, I.J., Wan, J. M.-F., Ho, A.Y.-T., Choi, N.M., Wang, D. & Dudgeon, D. (2006).   Identification and characterization of a ‘biomarker of toxicity’ from the proteome of the paralytic shellfish toxin (PST)-producing dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense (Dinophyceae).  Proteomics 6: 654-666.


Yip, J.Y., Corlett, R.T. & Dudgeon, D. (2006).  Selecting small reserves in a human dominated landscape: a case study of Hong Kong, China.   Journal of Environmental Management 78: 86-96.


Dudgeon, D. & Smith, R.E.W. (2006).  Exotic species, fisheries, and conservation of freshwater biodiversity in tropical Asia: the case of the Sepik River, Papua New Guinea.  Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 16: 203-215.


Yam, R.S.W. & Dudgeon, D. (2006).  Production dynamics and growth of atyid shrimps (Decapoda: Caridina spp.) in 4 Hong Kong streams: the effects of site, season, and species.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 25: 406-416.


Dudgeon, D., Arthington, A.H., Gessner, M.O., Kawabata, Z., Knowler, D., Lévêque, C., Naiman, R.J., Prieur-Richard, A.-H., Soto, D., Stiassny, M.L.J. & Sullivan, C.A. (2006).  Freshwater biodiversity: importance, threats, status and conservation challenges.  Biological Reviews 81: 163-182.


Dudgeon, D. (2006).  The impacts of human disturbance on stream benthic invertebrates and their drift in North Sulawesi, Indonesia.  Freshwater Biology 51: 1710-1729.


Cheung, S.M. & Dudgeon, D. (2006).  Quantifying the Asian turtle crisis: market surveys in southern China, 2000-2003.  Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 16: 751-770.


Chan, E.K.W., Zhang, Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2007).  Contribution of adult aquatic insects to riparian prey availability along tropical forest streams.  Marine & Freshwater Research 58: 725-732.


Dudgeon, D. (2007).  Going with the flow: global warming and the challenge of sustaining river ecosystems in monsoonal Asia.  Water Science and Technology (Water Supply) 7: 69-80.


Chan, B.P.L., Dudgeon, D. & Chen, X. (2008).  Threatened fishes of the world: Macropodus hongkongensis Freyhof and Herder, 2002 (Osphronemidae).  Environmental Biology of Fishes 81: 367-368.


Lau, D.C.P., Leung, K.M.Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2008).  Experimental dietary manipulations for determining the relative importance of allochthonous and autochthonous food resources in tropical streams.  Freshwater Biology 53: 139-147.


Wai, T.C., Ng, J.S.S., Williams. G.A., Leung, K.M.Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2008).  The source and fate of organic matter and the significance of detrital pathways in a tropical coastal ecosystem.  Limnology & Oceanography 53: 1479-1492.


Chan, E.K.W., Tung, Y.-T., Zhang, Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2008).  Distribution patterns of birds and insect prey in a tropical riparian forest.  Biotropica 40: 623-629.


Chan, E.K.W., Zhang, Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2008).  Arthropod ‘rain’ into tropical streams: the importance of intact riparian forest and influences on fish diets.  Marine & Freshwater Research 59: 653-660.


Li, A.O.Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2008).  Food resources of shredders and other benthic macroinvertebrates in relation to shading conditions in tropical Hong Kong streams.  Freshwater Biology 53: 2011-2025.


Li, A.O.Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2008).  The effects of leaf litter characteristics on feeding and fitness of a tropical stream shredder.  Marine & Freshwater Research 59: 897-901.


Lau, D.C.P., Leung, K.M.Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2008).  Experimental dietary manipulations and concurrent use of assimilation-based analyses for effective and accurate elucidation of consumer-resource relationships in tropical streams.  Marine & Freshwater Research 59: 963-970.


Li, A.O.Y., Ng, L.C.Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2009).  Effects of leaf toughness and nitrogen content on litter breakdown and macroinvertebrates in a tropical stream.  Aquatic Sciences 71: 80-93.


Chan, E.K.W., Zhang, Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2009).  Substrate availability may be more important than aquatic insects in the distribution of riparian orb-web spiders in the seasonal tropics.  Biotropica 41: 196-201.


Lau, D.C.P., Leung, K.M.Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2009).  What does stable isotope analysis reveal about trophic relationships and the relative importance of allochthonous and autochthonous resources in tropical streams? A synthetic study from Hong Kong.  Freshwater Biology 54: 127-141.


Li, A.O.Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2009).  Shredders: species richness, abundance, and role in litter breakdown in tropical Hong Kong streams.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 28: 167-180.


Lau, D.C.P., Leung, K.M.Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2009).  Evidence of rapid shifts in the trophic base of lotic predators using experimental dietary manipulations and assimilation-based analyses.  Oecologia 159: 767-776.


Boyero, L., Ramírez, A., Dudgeon, D. & Pearson, R.G. (2009).  Are tropical streams really different?  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 28: 127-133.


Lau, D.C.P., Leung, K.M.Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2009).  Are autochthonous foods more important than allochthonous resources to benthic consumers in tropical headwater streams?  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 28: 156-169.


Yang, G. Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2009).  Seasonal and inter-stream variations in the population dynamics, growth and secondary production of an algivorous fish (Pseudogastromyzon myersi: Balitoridae) in monsoonal Hong Kong.  Freshwater Biology 54: 1960-1976.


Yang, G.Y., Tang, T. & Dudgeon, D. (2009).  Spatial and seasonal variations in benthic algal assemblages in streams in monsoonal Hong Kong.  Hydrobiologia 632: 189-200.


Yang, G.Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2010).  Response of grazing impacts of an algivorous fish (Pseudogastromyzon myersi: Balitoridae) to seasonal disturbance in Hong Kong streams.  Freshwater Biology 55: 411-423.


Kwong, K.L., Dudgeon, D., Wong, P.K. & Qiu, J.-W. (2010). High secondary production and diet of an invasive snail in freshwater wetlands: implications for resource consumption and competition.  Biological Invasions 12: 1153-1164.


Yang, G.Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2010).   Dietary variation and food selection by an algivorous loach (Pseudogastromyzon myersi: Balitoridae) in Hong Kong streams.  Marine and Freshwater Research 61: 49-56.


Strayer, D.L. & Dudgeon, D. (2010).  Freshwater biodiversity conservation:  recent progress and future challenges.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29: 344-358.


Dudgeon, D. (2010).  Requiem for a river: extinctions, climate change and the last of the Yangtze.  Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 20: 127-131.


Dudgeon, D., Cheung, F.K.W. & Mantel, S.K. (2010).  Food-web structure in small streams: do we need different models for the tropics?  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29: 395-412.


Karraker, N.E., Arrigoni, J.E. & Dudgeon, D. (2010).  Effects of increased salinity and an introduced predator on lowland amphibians in southern China: species identity matters.  Biological Conservation 143: 1079-1086.


Zhang, Y., Dudgeon, D., Cheng, D., Thoe, W., Fok, L., Wang, Z. & Lee, J. H.W. (2010). Impacts of land use and water quality on macroinvertebrate communities in the Pearl River drainage basin, China.   Hydrobiologia 652: 71-88.


Dudgeon, D. & Gao, B.W. (2010). Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in a species-poor guild: a test using tropical stream detritivores.  Hydrobiologia 652: 326-336.


Dudgeon, D. & Gao, B.W. (2010).  Weak effects of plant diversity on leaf-litter breakdown in a tropical stream.  Marine and Freshwater Research 61: 1218-1225.


Vörösmarty, C., McIntyre, P.B., Gessner, M.O., Dudgeon, D., Prusevich, A., Green, P., Glidden, S., Bunn, S.E., Sullivan, C.A., Reidy Liermann, C. & Davies, P.M. (2010).  Global threats to human water security and river biodiversity.  Nature 467: 555-561.


Dudgeon, D. (2010).  Prospects for sustaining freshwater biodiversity in the 21st century: linking ecosystem structure and function.  Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2: 422-430.


Dudgeon, D. & Gao, B.W. (2011). The influence of macroinvertebrate shredders, leaf type and composition on litter breakdown in a Hong Kong stream. Fundamental and Applied Limnology (formerly Archiv für Hydrobiologie) 178: 147-157.


Naiman, R.J. & Dudgeon, D. (2011).  Global alteration of freshwaters and influences on human and environmental well-being.  Ecological Research 26: 865-873.


Li, A.O.Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2011). Leaf litter retention in tropical streams in Hong Kong. Fundamental and Applied Limnology (formerly Archiv für Hydrobiologie) 178: 159-170.


Niu, S.Q. & Dudgeon, D. (2011).  The influence of flow and season upon leaf-litter breakdown in monsoonal Hong Kong streams.  Hydrobiologia 663: 205-215.


Leung, A.S.L. & Dudgeon, D. (2011).  Scales of spatiotemporal variability in macroinvertebrate abundance and diversity in monsoonal streams: detecting environmental change.  Freshwater Biology 56: 1193-1208.


Niu, S.Q. & Dudgeon, D. (2011).  Environmental flow allocations in monsoonal Hong Kong.  Freshwater Biology 56: 1209-1230.


Boyero, L., Pearson, R., Gessner, M., Barmuta, L., Ferreira, V., Graça, M., Dudgeon, D., Boulton, A., Callisto, M., Chauvet, E., Helson, J., Bruder, A., Albariño, R., Yule, C., Arunachalam, M., Davies, J., Figueroa, R., Flecker, A., Ramirez, A., Death, R., Iwata, T., Mathooko, J., Mathuriau, C., Gonçalves, J. F., Moretti, M., Jingut, T., Lamothe, S., M'Erimba, C., Ratnarajah, L., Schindler, M., Castela, J., Buria, L., Cornejo, A., Villanueva, V. & West, D. (2011). A global experiment suggests climate warming will not accelerate litter decomposition in streams but might reduce carbon sequestration.  Ecology Letters 14: 289-294.


Zhang, Y., He, C., Dudgeon, D., Zhang, Z. & Wang, G.  (2011). Mountain ridge and sea: geographic barrier effects on genetic diversity and differentiation of the endemic Hong Kong Newt (Paramesotriton hongkongensis) revealed by AFLP.  Annales Zoologici Fennici: 48: 119-127.


Wai, T.C., Leung, K.M.Y., Sin, S.Y.T., Cornish, A.C., Dudgeon, D. & Williams, G.A. (2011).  Spatial, seasonal, and ontogenetic variations in the significance of detrital pathways and terrestrial carbon for a benthic shark, Chiloscyllium plagiosum (Hemiscylliidae), in a tropical estuary.   Limnology & Oceanography 56: 1035-1053.


Boyero, L., Pearson, R., Dudgeon, D., Graça, M., Gessner, M., Albariño, R.J.,  Ferreira, V., Yule, C.M.,  Boulton, A., Arunachalam, M.,  Callisto, M., Chauvet, E., Ramírez, A., Chará, J., ., Moretti, M., Gonçalves, J. F.,  Helson, J.E., Chará-Serna, A.M., Encalada, A., Davies, J.N., Lamothe, S., Cornejo, A., Castela, J., Li, A.O.Y.,  Buria, L.M., Villanueva, V.D., Zúñiga, M.C. & Pringle, C.M. (2011).  Global distribution of a key trophic guild contrasts with common latitudinal diversity patterns. Ecology 92: 1839-1848.


Dudgeon, D. (2011).  Asian river fishes in the Anthropocene: threats and conservation challenges in an era of rapid environmental change.  Journal of Fish Biology 79: 1487-1524.


Boyero, L., Pearson, R., Dudgeon, D., Ferreira, V., Graça, M., Gessner, M., Boulton, A., Callisto, M., Chauvet, E., Yule, C.M., Albariño, R.J.,  Ramírez, A., Helson, J.E., Callisto, M., Arunachalam, M., Chará, J., Figueroa, R., Mathooko, J.M., Gonçalves J. F., Moretti, M., Chará, A.M., Davies, J.N., Encalada, A., Lamothe, S., Buria, L.M., Castela, J., Cornejo, A., Li, A.O.Y., M’Erimba, C., Villanueva, V.D., Zúñiga, M.C., Swan, C. & Barmuta, L.  (2012). Global patterns of stream detritivore distribution: implications for biodiversity loss in changing climates.  Global Ecology and Biogeography 21: 134-141.


Leung, A.S.L., Li, A.O.Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2012). Scales of spatiotemporal variation in macroinvertebrate assemblage structure in monsoonal streams: the importance of season.  Freshwater Biology 57: 218-231.


Wai, T.C., Yeung, J.W.Y., Lam, V.Y.Y., Leung, K.M.Y., Dudgeon, D. & Williams, G.A. (2012).  Monsoons and habitat influence trophic pathways and the importance of terrestrial-marine linkages for estuary sharks.  Ecosphere 3: 1-31.


Lau, D.C.P., Leung, K.M.Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2012). Preservation effects on C/N ratios and stable isotope signatures of freshwater fishes and benthic macroinvertebrates.  Limnology & Oceanography-Methods 10: 75-89.


Bogardi, J.J., Dudgeon. D., Lawford, R., Flinkerbusch, E., Meyn, A., Pahl-Wostl, C., Vielhauer, K. & Vörösmarty, C. (2012).  Water Security for a planet under pressure: interconnected challenges of a changing world call for sustainable solutions. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 4: 35-43.


Ory, N.C., Dudgeon, D., Dumont, C.P., Miranda, L. & Thiel, M. (2012). Effects of predation and habitat structure on the abundance and population structure of the rock shrimp Rhynchocinetes typus (Caridea) on temperate rocky reefs.  Marine Biology 159: 2075-2089.


Dudgeon, D. (2012).  Responses of benthic macroinvertebrate communities to altitude and geology in tributaries of the Sepik River (Papua New Guinea): the influence of taxonomic resolution on the detection of environmental gradients.  Freshwater Biology 57: 1794-1812.


Tang, T., Niu, S.Q. & Dudgeon, D. (2013). Responses of epibenthic algal assemblages to water abstraction in Hong Kong streams. Hydrobiologia 703: 225–237.


Ory, N.C., Dudgeon, D. & Thiel, M. (2013). Host-use patterns and factors influencing the choice between anemone and urchin hosts by a caridean shrimp.   Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 449: 85-92.


Yeung, A.C.Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2013). A manipulative study of macroinvertebrate grazers in Hong Kong streams: do snails compete with insects?  Freshwater Biology 58: 2299-2309.


Yeung, A.C.Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2013). Production and population dynamics of the prosobranch snail Sulcospira hainanensis (Pachychilidae), a major secondary consumer in Hong Kong streams. Hydrobiologia 724: 21-39.


Fu, W.K.V., Karraker, N.E. & Dudgeon, D. (2013).  Breeding dynamics, diet, and body condition of the Hong Kong newt (Paramesotriton hongkongensis). Herpetological Monographs 27: 1-22.


Tong, X., Dudgeon, D. & Shi, W. (2014). A new species of the genus Baetis from China (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae).  Entomological News 125: 333-338.


Karraker, N.E. & Dudgeon, D. (2014). Invasive apple snails (Pomacea canaliculata) are predators of amphibians in South China.  Biological Invasions 16: 1785-1789.


Yeung, A.C.Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2014). Limited life-history variations in a tropical stream caenogastropod in habitats with contrasting resource availability.  Journal of Molluscan Studies 80: 190-197.


Ory, N.C., Dudgeon, D., Duprey, N.  & Thiel, M. (2014). Effects of predation on diel activity and habitat use of the coral-reef shrimp Cinetorhynchus hendersoni (Rhynchocinetidae).  Coral Reefs 33: 639-650.


Dudgeon, D. (2014).  Accept no substitute: biodiversity matters.Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 24: 435-440.


Boyero, L., Pearson, R.G., Swan, C.M., Hui, C., Albariño, R.J.,  Arunachalam, M., Callisto, M., Chará, J., Chará-Serna, A.M., Chauvet, E., Cornejo, A., Dudgeon, D., Encalada, A.C., Ferreira, V., Gessner, M.O., Gonçalves, J.F., Graça, M.A.S.,  Helson, J.E., Mathooko, J.M., McKie, B.G., Moretti, M.S. & Yule, C.M. (2015). Latitudinal gradient of nestedness and its potential drivers in stream detritivores. Ecography DOI: 10.1111/ecog.00982.


Yeung, A.C.Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2015). Do adult snails in headwater streams make upstream migrations to compensate for spate-induced washout? A test using three populations of a tropical caenogastropod.  Journal of Molluscan Studies 81: 417-420.


Heino, J.,  Melo, A.S., Bini, L.M., Altermatt, F., Al-Shami, S.A.,  Angeler, D.G., Bonada, N., Brand,C., Callisto, M., Cottenie, K., Dangles, O., Dudgeon, D., Encalada, A., Göthe., E., Grönroos, M., Hamada, N., Jacobsen, D., Landeiro, V.L., Ligeiro, R.,  Martins, R.T., Miserendino, M.L., Md Rawi, C.S., Rodrigues, M.E., Roque, F.O., Sandin, L., Schmera, D., Sgarbi, L.F., Simaika, J.P., Siqueira, T., Thompson, R. & Townsend, C.R. (2015). A comparative analysis reveals weak relationships between ecological factors and beta diversity of stream insect metacommunities at two spatial levels.  Ecology & Evolution 5: 1235-1248.


Boyero, L. Pearson, R.G., Gessner, M.O., Dudgeon, D., Ramírez, A., Yule, C.M., Callisto, M., Pringle, C.M., Encalada, A.E., Arunachalam, M., Mathooko, J., Helson, J.E., Rincón, J., Bruder, A., Cornejo, A., Flecker, A.S., Mathuriau, C., M’Erimba, C., Gonçalves, C.F.,  Moretti, M. & Jinggut, T. (2015).  Leaf-litter breakdown in tropical streams: is variability the norm?  Freshwater Science doi: 10.1086/681093.


Yuen, E.Y.L. & Dudgeon, D. (2015). Spatio-temporal variability in the distribution of ground-dwelling riparian spiders and their potential role in water-to-land energy transfer along Hong Kong forest streams.  PeerJ 3: e1134 https://dx.doi.org/10.7717/peerj.1134.


Perkins. M.J., Ng, T.P.T., Dudgeon, D., Bonebrake, T.C. & Leung, K.M.Y. (2015). Conserving intertidal habitats: what is the potential of ecological engineering to mitigate impacts of coastal structures?  Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 167: 540-515.


Ho, B.S.K. & Dudgeon, D. (2015). Movement of three stream-resident balitoroid loaches and a goby in a Hong Kong hillstream.  Ecology of Freshwater Fish 25: 622-630.


Yuen, E.Y.L. & Dudgeon, D. (2016). Dietary dependence of predatory arthropods on volant aquatic insects in tropical stream riparia.  Biotropica 48: 218-228.


Yuen, E.Y.L. & Dudgeon, D. (2016). The magnitude and seasonality of aquatic insect subsidies to tropical stream riparia in Hong Kong.  Aquatic Sciences 78: 655-667.


Ho, B.S.K. & Dudgeon, D. (2016). Are high densities of fishes and shrimp associated with top-down control of tropical benthic communities? A test in three Hong Kong streams.  Freshwater Biology 61: 57-68.


Boyero, L., Pearson, R.G., Hui, C., Gessner, M.O., Pérez,  J., Alexandrou, M.A., Graça, M.A.S, Cardinale, B.J., Albariño, R.J., Arunachalam, M., Barmuta, L.A., Boulton, A.J., Bruder, A., Callisto, M., Chauvet, E., Death, R.G., Dudgeon, D., Encalada, A.C., Ferreira, V., Figueroa, R., Flecker, A.S., Gonçalves, J.F., Helson, J., Iwata, T., Jinggut, T., Mathooko, J., Mathuriau, C., M'Erimba, C., Moretti, M.S., Pringle, C.M., Ramírez, A., Ratnarajah, L., Rincon, J. & Yule, C.M. (2016).  Biotic and abiotic variables influencing plant litter breakdown in streams: a global study.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283: 20152664. Doi:10.1098/rspb.2015.2664.


Kano, Y., Dudgeon, D., Nam, S., Samejima, H., Watanabe, K., Grudpan, C., Magtoon, W., Musikasinthorn, P., Nguyen, P.T., Praxaysonbath, B, Sato, T., Shibukawa, K., Shimatani, Y., Suvarnaraksha, A., Tanaka, W., Thach, P., Tran, D.D., Yamashita, T. & Utsugi1, K.  (2016). Impacts of dams and global warming on fish biodiversity in the Indo-Burma Hotspot. PLoS ONE 11: e0160151.  doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0160151 


Tricarico, E., Junqueira, E.A. & Dudgeon, D. (2016).  Alien species in aquatic environments: a selective comparison of coastal and inland waters in tropical and temperate latitudes.  Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 26: 872–891.


Scheffers, B.R., De Meester, L., Bridge, T.C.L., Hoffman, A.A., Pandolfini, J.M., Corlett, R.T., Butchart, S.H.M., Pearce-Kelly, P.P., Kovacs, K.M., Dudgeon, D., Pacifici, M., Rondinini, C. Foden, W.B., Martin, T.G., Mora, C., Bickford, D. & Watson, J.E.M. (2016).  The broad footprint of climate change from genes to biomes to people.  Science 354 (6313): aaf7671-aaf7671.


Devan-Song, A., Martelli, P., Dudgeon, D., Crow, P., Ades, G. & Karraker, N.K. (2016). Is long-distance translocation an effective mitigation tool for white-lipped pit vipers (Trimeresurus albolabris) in South China?  Biological Conservation 204: 212-220.


Lau, A., Karraker, N.E., Martelli, P. & Dudgeon, D. (2017).  Delineation of core terrestrial habitat for conservation of a tropical salamander: the Hong Kong newt (Paramesotriton hongkongensis).  Biological Conservation 209: 76-82.


Turak, E., Harrison, I., Dudgeon, D., Abell, R., Bush, A., Darwall, W., Finlayson, M., Ferrier, S., Freyhof, J., Hermoso, V., Juffe-Bignoli, D., Linke, S., Nel, J., Patricio, H., Pittock, J., Raghavan, R., Revenga, C. & Simaika, J. (2017).  Essential biodiversity variables for measuring change in global freshwater biodiversity.  Biological Conservation: 213: 272-279.


Boyero, L., Graça, M.A.S., Pérez, J., Pearson, R.G., Swafford, A., Ferreira, V., Landeira, A., Tonin, A.M., Alexandrou. M., Albariño, R.J., Barmuta, L.A., Callisto, M., Chará, J., Chauvet, E. Colón-Gaud, C., Dudgeon, D., Encalada, A.C., Figueroa, R., Flecker, A.S., Fleituch, T., Gessner, M.O., Gonçalves, J.F., Helson, J.E., Iwata, T., Mathooko, J., Mckie, B.G., Pringle, C.M., Ramírez, A., Swan, C.M & Yule, C.M. (2017). Riparian plant litter quality increases with latitude. Scientific Reports 7: 10562. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-10640-3


Lau, A., Karraker, N.E. & Dudgeon, D. (2017). Does forest extent affect salamander survival? Evidence from a long-term demographic study of a threatened tropical newt.  Ecology and Evolution 7: 10963–10973. doi:10.1002/ece3.3623.


Hermoso, V., Januchowski-Hartley, S. R., Linke, S., Dudgeon, D., Petry, P. & McIntyre, P. (2017). Optimal allocation of Red List assessments to guide conservation of biodiversity in a rapidly changing world.  Global Change Biology 23: 3525–3532.


Volmer, D., Shaad, K., Souter, N.J., Farrell, T., Dudgeon, D., Sullivan, C.A., Fauconnier, I., MacDonald, G.M., McCartney, M.P., Power, A.G., McNally, A., Andelman, S.J., Capon, T., Devineni, N., Apirumanekul, C., Ng, C.N., Shaw, M.R., Wang, R.Y., Lai, C.,  Wang, Z. &  Regan, H.M. (2018). Integrating the social, hydrological and ecological dimensions of freshwater health: the Freshwater Health Index. Science of the Total Environment  627: 304–313.


Gibson, L., Hofford, A., Dudgeon, D., Chen, Y., Baker, D. & Andersson, A. (2018). Hong Kong's delayed ivory ban endangers African elephants.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17: 378-380.


Sahadevan S., Sobral, O., McKie, B.G., Dudgeon, D., Gessner, M.O., Bärlocher, F., Chauvet, E., Boyero, L., Ferreira, V., Frainer, A., Bruder, A., Matthaei, C.D., Fenoglio, S.,  Sridhar, K.R., Albariño, R.J., Douglas, M.M., Encalada, A.C., Garcia, E., Giling, D.P., Ghate, S.D., Gonçalves, V., Iwata, T., Landeira-Dabarca, A., McMaster, D., Medeiros, A.O., Naggea, J., Pozo, J., Raposeiro, P.M., Swan, C.M., Tenkiano, N.S.D., Yule, C.M &   Graça, M.A.S. (2019). Biodiversity of leaf litter fungi in streams along a latitudinal gradient. Science of the Total Environment 661: 306–315.


Jia, L., Hughes, A. & Dudgeon, D. (2018) Mapping wader biodiversity along the East Asia – Australasia Flyway.  PLoS One 14: e0210552.


Reid, A., Carlson, A.,  Creed, I., Eliason, E.,  Gell, P.,  Johnson, P., Kidd, K., MacCormack, T., Olden, J.,  Ormerod, S.,  Smol, J., Taylor, W., Tockner, K., Vermaire, J., Dudgeon, D. & Cooke, S. (2019). Emerging threats and persistent conservation challenges for freshwater biodiversity.   Biological Reviews 94: 849–873.


Magellan, K., Bonebrake, T.C. & Dudgeon, D. (2019).  Temperature effects on exploratory behaviour and learning ability of invasive mosquitofish.  Aquatic Invasions 14: 502-517.


Dudgeon, D. (2019). Multiple threats imperil freshwater biodiversity in the Anthropocene.
Current Biology 29: R960-R967.


So, K.Y.K. & Dudgeon, D. (2020). Conservation management of abandoned paddy fields in Asia: semi-natural marshes with low-intensity bovid grazing have higher biodiversity.  Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 30: 1934–1944.


So, K.Y.K., Fong, J.J.., Lam, I.P.Y. & Dudgeon, D. (2020).  Pitfalls during in silico prediction of primer specificity for eDNA surveillance. Ecosphere 11: e03193. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.3193


Tao, L.S.R., Lau, D.C.P., Perkins, M.J., Hui, T.T.Y., Yau, J.K.C., Mak, Y.K.Y., Lau, E.T.C., Dudgeon, D. & Leung, K.M.Y. (2020). Stable-isotope based trophic metrics reveal early recovery of tropical crustacean assemblages following a trawl ban.   Ecological Indicators 117: 106610. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106610


Dudgeon, D., Ng, L.C.Y. & Tsang, T.P.N. (2020).  Shifts in aquatic insect composition in a tropical forest stream after three decades of climatic warming.  Global Change Biology 26:  6399-6412.


Tsang, A.H.F. & Dudgeon, D. (2021). A comparison of the ecological effects of two invasive poeciliids and two native fishes: a mesocosm approach.  Biological Invasions: 23: 1517–1532.  


Wang, Z., Leung, K.M.Y., Sung, Y.H., Dudgeon, D. & Qiu, J.-W. (2021). Post-disturbance recovery of tropical marine benthos after a trawling ban: linkage between abiotic and biotic changes.  Communications Biology 4: 212. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42003-021-01732-y


Tsang, A.H.F. & Dudgeon, D. (2021). A manipulative field experiment reveals the ecological effects of invasive mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) in a tropical wetland.  Freshwater Biology 66: 869–883.


Chen, Y., Sun, Y., Atzeni, L., Gibson, L., Hua, M., Li, K., Shi, K. & Dudgeon, D. (2021). Anthropogenic pressures escalate extinction risk of an isolated elephant population in southwestern China.  Integrative Zoology: https://doi.org/10.1111/1749-4877.12534


Tsang, A.H.F. & Dudgeon, D. (2021). Can the functional response to prey predict invasiveness? A comparison of native fishes and alien poeciliids in Hong Kong. Biological Invasions: 23: 2143–2154.


Tsang, A.H.F. & Dudgeon, D. (2021). Do exotic poeciliids have detrimental effects on native fishes? Absence of evidence from Hong Kong streams.  Freshwater Biology:  https://doi.org/10.1111/fwb.13789


Tong, X. & Dudgeon, D. (2021). A new species of the genus Cloeon Leach, 1815 from China (Ephemeroptera, Baetidae).  Aquatic Insects: https://doi.org/10.1080/01650424.2020.1867747


Andersson, A., Lau, W., Tilley, H., Dudgeon, D., Bonebrake, T. & Dingle, C. (2021).  CITES and beyond: illuminating 20-years of global, legal wildlife trade.  Global Ecology and Conservation  26: e01455. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01455


Liew, J.H., Kho Z.Y., Lim R.B.H., Dingle C., Bonebrake T. C., Sung Y.H., & Dudgeon D. (2021). International socioeconomic inequality favours higher network connectivity in the global wild animal trade.  Science Advances 7: eabf7679. https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abf7679


Chen, Z., Dudgeon, D. & Liew, J.H. (2021).  Human settlements in headwater catchments are associated with generalist stream food webs.  Hydrobiologia: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-021-04620-y.


Harper, M., Mejbel, H.S., Longert, D., Abell, R., Beard, T.D., Bennett, J.R., Carlson, S.M., Darwall, W., Dell, A., Domisch, S., Dudgeon, D.,  Freyhof, J., Harrison, I., Hughes, K.A.,  Jähnig, S.C., Jeschke, J.M., Lansdown, R., Lintermans, M., Lynch, A.J., Meredith, H.M.R.,  Molur, S., Olden, J.D., Ormerod, S.J., Patricio, H., Reid, A.J., Schmidt-Kloiber, A., Thieme, M., Tickner, D., Turak, E., Weyl, O.L.F. & Cooke, S.J. (2021). Twenty-five essential research questions to inform the protection and restoration of freshwater biodiversity. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems:  


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Books authored

  1. Dudgeon, D. (1992). Patterns and Processes in Stream Ecology.  Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart: viii + 147 pp.                      
  2. Dudgeon, D. & Corlett, R.T. (1994). Hills and Streams: an Ecology of Hong Kong.  Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong: xv + 234 pp.
  3. Dudgeon, D. (1999). Tropical Asian Streams: Zoobenthos, Ecology and Conservation.  Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong: xi + 830 pp.                            
  4. Dudgeon, D. (2003). Hillstreams.  Agriculture Fisheries and Conservation Department, Government of Hong Kong SAR & Wan Li Book, Co. Ltd., Hong Kong: 133 pp.
  5. Dudgeon, D. (2004). Hillstreams (2nd Edition).  Agriculture Fisheries and Conservation Department, Government of Hong Kong SAR & Wan Li Book, Co. Ltd., Hong Kong: 133 pp.
  6. Dudgeon, D. & Corlett, R.T. (2004). The Ecology and Biodiversity of Hong Kong.  Agriculture Fisheries and Conservation Department, Government of Hong Kong SAR & Joint Publishing Company, Hong Kong: 336 pp. (In separate English, Chinese traditional characters and simplified Chinese character editions.)        
  7. Dudgeon, D. & Corlett, R.T. (2011). The Ecology and Biodiversity of Hong Kong (2nd Edition).  Agriculture Fisheries and Conservation Department, Government of Hong Kong SAR, Lions Nature Education Foundation  & Cosmos Books Ltd, Hong Kong: 344 pp. (In separate English and traditional Chinese character editions.)
  8. Dudgeon, D. (2020).  Freshwater Biodiversity: Status, Threats and Conservation.  Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: 499 pp.

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Books edited
1)         Morton, B. & Dudgeon, D. (1985). The Malacofauna of Hong Kong and Southern China. II.  Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong: 2 Volumes, 681 pp.
2)         Dudgeon, D. & Lam, P.K.S. (1994). Inland Waters of Tropical Asia and Australia: Conservation and Management.   Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart (Mitteilungen Internationale Vereiningung für Limnologie no. 24): 386 pp.
3)        Dudgeon, D. (2008). Tropical Stream Ecology.  Academic Press, London: 316 pp.


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Refereed book chapters

  1. Dudgeon, D. (1984). The importance of streams in tropical rain-forest systems.  Tropical Rain-forest: The Leeds Symposium (Eds A.C. Chadwick & S.L. Sutton).  Special Publication of the Leeds Literary and Philosophical Society (Scientific Section), Leeds: 71-82.
  2. Dudgeon, D. (1990). Functional significance of the selection of particles and their use by aquatic animals in the construction of external structures.  The Biology of Particles in Aquatic Systems (Ed. R.S. Wotton).  Uniscience Books, CRC Press Inc., Boca Raton: 263-288.
  3. Dudgeon, D. (1990). Determinants of the distribution and abundance of larval Ephemeroptera (Insecta) in Hong Kong running waters.  Mayflies and Stoneflies: Biology and Life Histories (Ed. I.C. Campbell).  Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht: 221-232.
  4. Dudgeon, D. (1994). The functional significance of selection of particles by aquatic animals during building behaviour.  The Biology of Particles in Aquatic Systems, Second Edition (Revised) (Ed. R.S. Wotton).  Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton: 289-312.
  5. Dudgeon, D. (1995). The ecology of rivers and streams in tropical Asia.  River and Stream Ecosystems (Eds C.E. Cushing, K.W. Cummins & G.W. Minshall).  Elsevier, Amsterdam: 615-657.
  6. Dudgeon, D. & Bretschko, G. (1996). Allochthonous inputs and land-water interactions in seasonal streams: tropical Asia and temperate Europe.  Perspectives in Tropical Limnology (Eds F. Schiemer & K.T. Boland).  SPB Academic Publishing, The Hague: 161-179.
  7. Dudgeon, D. (2000). Riverine wetlands and biodiversity conservation in tropical Asia.  Biodiversity in Wetlands: Assessment, Function and Conservation (Eds B. Gopal, W.J. Junk & J.A. Davis).  Backhuys Publishers, The Hague: 35-60.
  8. Dudgeon, D., Choowaew, S. & Ho, S.C. (2000). River conservation in Southeast Asia.  Global Perspectives on River Conservation: Science, Policy and Practice (Eds. P.J. Boon, B.R. Davies & G.E. Petts).  John Wiley & Sons, Chichester: 279-308.
  9. Dudgeon, D. (2002). Fisheries: pollution and habitat degradation in tropical Asian rivers.  Encyclopaedia of Global Environmental Change, Volume 3 (Ed. I. Douglas).  John Wiley & Sons, Chichester: 316-323. 
  10. Dudgeon, D. (2006). The ecology of rivers and streams in tropical Asia.  River and Stream Ecosystems of the World (Eds C.E. Cushing, K.W. Cummins & G.W. Minshall), The University of California Press, Berkeley: 615-657.
  11. Jacobsen, D., Cressa, C., Mathooko, J.M. & Dudgeon, D. (2008). Macroinvertebrates: composition, life histories and production.  Tropical Stream Ecology (Ed. D. Dudgeon), Academic Press, London: 66-105.
  12. Dudgeon, D., Paugy, D., Lévêque, C., Rebelo, L.-M. & McCartney, M.P. (2011). Chapter 1. Background.  The Diversity of Life in African Freshwaters: Underwater, Under Threat (Eds W. Darwall, K. Smith, D. Allen, R. Holland, I. Harrison & E. Brooks).  IUCN, Cambridge, U.K. & Gland, Switzerland: 2-31.
  13. Dudgeon, D. (2012). Threats to biodiversity globally and in the Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot.  The Status and Distribution of Freshwater Biodiversity in Indo-Burma (Eds D.J. Allen, K.G. Smith & W.R.T. Darwall). IUCN, Cambridge, U.K. & Gland, Switzerland: 1-28.
  14. Sabater, S., Elosegi, A. & Dudgeon, D. (2013). River conservation: going against the flow to meet global challenges.  River Conservation: Challenges and Opportunities (Eds S. Sabater & A. Elsosegi).  Fundación BBVA, Bilbao, Spain: 15-35.
  15. Dudgeon, D. (2013). Anthropocene extinctions: global threats to riverine biodiversity and the tragedy of the freshwater commons.  River Conservation: Challenges and Opportunities (Eds S. Sabater & A. Elsosegi).  Fundación BBVA, Bilbao, Spain: 129-167.
  16. Dudgeon, D. (2014). Threats to freshwater biodiversity in a changing world. Global Environmental Change (Ed. B. Freedman). Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: 243-253.
  17. Garcia-Moreno, J.M., Harrison, I.J., Dudgeon, D., Clausnitzer, V., Darwall, W., Farrell, T., Savy, C., Tockner, K. & Tubbs, N. (2014). Sustaining freshwater biodiversity in the Anthropocene.  The Global Water System in the Anthropocene (Eds A. Bhaduri, J. Bogardi, J. Leentvaar & S. Marx). Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland: 247-270.
  18. Welcomme, R.L., Baird, I.G., Dudgeon, D., Halls, A., Lamberts, D. & Mustafa, M.G. (2015). Fisheries of the rivers of Southeast Asia.  Freshwater Fisheries Ecology (Ed. J.F. Craig).  John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK: Chapter 29. DOI 10.1002/9781118394380.ch29
  19. Turak, E., Dudgeon, D., Harrison, I.J., Freyhof, J., De Wever, A., Revenga, C., Garcia-Moreno, J., Abell, R., Culp, J.M., Lento, J., Mora, B., Hilarides, L. & Flink, S. (2017). Chapter 7. Observations of inland water biodiversity: progress, needs and priorities.  The GEO Handbook on Biodiversity Observation Networks (Eds M. Walters & R.J. Scholes):  165-186.  https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-27288-7_7
  20. Richardson, J.S. & Dudgeon, D. (2021). Headwater stream ecosystems: an initial evaluation of their threat status. The Encyclopedia of Conservation: Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences.  https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-821139-7.00022-2