Freshwater Macroinvertebrates in Hong Kong

Cloeon nr. bengalense

General appearance
Body size medium-small up to 6mm long (excluding antennae & cerci)

Vertex yellow with two rows of irregular brown spots
Antennae long about 3 times of head length; scapes and pedicles with reddish brown markings distally

Hindwing pad and villiopore absent
Legs uniformly light yellow, femora with pale brown marking sub-distally

7 pairs of gills I - VII: gills I-VI double lamellae and well tracheated; gill VII single and smaller
Abdominal terga yellowish brown with a pair of pale spots medially; sterna with a pair of purplish markings laterally
Cerci about half of body length fringed with fine long setae; dark brown annulation every fourth segments

Abdomen Ventral
Imago Fullview
Imago Fullview Ventral


Distribution: This specimen is found in Kai Ku Shue Ha (near Luk Keng in Northeast New Territories).

Habitat: Unlike other baetids, larvae could be found in standing freshwater e.g. ponds.

Tushar Kanti Mukherjee (2012) Contribution to the Knowledge of Procloeon harveyi Kimmins (Insecta: Ephemeroptera): Morphology and Ecology J. Entomol. Res. Soc., 14(3): 55-66.

Cloeon is diversified genus of Baetidae. Its identification remains unclear, interchangable with Procloeon in Afrotropical and Oriental regions. The proportion of the hind tarsi of the imago was used to separate the two genera, but again this character seems subject to caution (Mukherjee, 2012).