E&B Teachers making concerted effort to protect the integrity of Country Park system of Hong Kong |
Building small houses in park enclaves will degrade biodiversity As local experts in ecology, biodiversity and nature conservation, we strongly object to any proposal that allows increased development of small houses within country park enclaves such as So Lo Pun, Pak Lap and Hoi Ha Wan.... The government recently embarked on the planning and implementation of the international Convention on Biological Diversity, and in that context is responsible for fostering the conservation of biological diversity in Hong Kong. Unfortunately, it now intends to follow the request of the Heung Yee Kuk and allow substantial development zones for small houses within the enclaves. Eventually, there could be as many as 19 such zones with a total area of 320 hectares within these enclaves where over 3,000 small houses could be built. (For detail ... Please search South China Morning Post | 2013-11-29 or here)
大浪西灣納郊野公園 香港大學生物科學學院教授梁美儀亦指,不包括土地的發展對郊野公園造成破壞,如白臘及海下的土地,沙礫鬆散,若建化糞池,污水不被吸收,便會直接流入附近河流或海洋,影響生態。 (For detail... Please search WISER -- Sky Post | 2013-12-04) |