Major in Ecology & Biodiversity > BIOL3991 Directed Studies in Ecology & Biodiversity
Registration Form | Directed Studies Declaration Form
Should I do an Ecology & Biodiversity Project or Directed studies?
We only have TWO capstone courses now. They are not mutually exclusive. These are an extremely important part of your degree programme at HKU, and often past students comment that these courses were the most difficult and challenging, but also the most rewarding and the courses that they gained most experience and satisfaction from completing.
They are SIMILAR in that BOTH:
They are, however, DIFFERENT in that
So whilst overall both offer the opportunity for students to conduct a personal scientific investigation, there are fundamental differences in the type of research (desk-top, or hands-on practical) and the prerequisites, credits and means of assessment.
For students that wish to apply for a Higher Degree programme in E&B, they are STRONLY RECOMMENDED to take the E&B project.
Given the number of students in E&B, and the fact that staff members can only supervise a few students, students are encouraged to start to discuss possible topics with staff members AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to ensure they can study their first choice topic.
Student have ideas of their own, or want to study a certain area / topic, they should approach the appropriate staff (see the staff research interests on their websites in our School to discuss a possible topic.
A range of project titles are offered by academic staff, who will act as project supervisors. These are listed below. Students are also encouraged to approach staff members if they have their own ideas for possible project topics.
Please refer to course syllabus in Faculty of Science for details. Student should contact a staff member and obtain their agreement to act as supervisor for any agreed project. If accepted they should complete the Registration Form, which needs to be signed by their prospective supervisor, and handed in to Ms. Flora Chan in the School of Biological Sciences General Office (Room 6N-01 Kadoorie Biological Sciences Building) prior course selection. Finally, the application will be approved by Dr S Sin.
Directed Studies Titles Offered in 2024/25
Please find link: a list of proposed Ecology & Biodiversity directed studies topics. Please note that these are proposed as guidelines only, STAFF ALSO WELCOME STUDENTS PROPOSING THEIR OWN IDEAS, OR DISCUSSING IDEAS WITH STAFF TO COME UP WITH A NEW STUDY. So make sure you visit E&B staff web sites to find out more of their exciting research work and make contact with E&B staff to discuss these directed studies options.
Exam Stuff
As you gain more experience of the web and its resources, please let us have your comments, suggestions and recommendations. Please send your comments to Dr Simon Sin via
Important Note: The capstone course BIOL4991 is a Disciplinary Core Course for ALL E&B student (who started in or after 2019) and students are required to take and pass this course (BIOL4991) to fulfil the University Graduate Requirements.
Please find link below for course information: